In the world there are not only many single mothers, but also fathers who independently raise their children, without the help of a woman. Such men, as a rule, have a very strong character.

Single father - a special man
In modern society, a single father is a common phenomenon that is calmly perceived by others. Nowadays, the concept of male and female responsibilities is a bit confused. Many women are now mainly engaged in a career and do not believe that their main responsibility is to raise children and take care of the hearth. They, without hesitation, leave their children with their fathers and leave to build a career or simply leave. To another.
Who is a single father? Men become such for various reasons. Most often, single fathers are widowers who have lost their beloved woman. There are men who themselves take the children away from their wife because of her inappropriate attitude towards them. It turns out that single fathers are not just men, but special, purposeful and responsible people. After all, raising a child on your own, especially from infancy, is not an easy task.
How to start a relationship or meet a single dad
Fate may dispose so that the heart chooses a lonely father with a child. How to approach such a man, where to start a conversation and how not to hurt his feelings? There are some rules to keep in mind when trying to build a relationship with a single dad.
Starting an acquaintance with a man, it is important to understand what place in his life he defines for a woman.
It is necessary to establish friendships with the father before winning the heart of the child.
When starting communication with a child, it is necessary to behave naturally. There is no need to pretend to be a caring "mommy" and impose on the child. Such actions will only emphasize the insincerity of feelings and alienate the child and his parent from you.
The imposition of his own methods of raising a child will be perceived negatively by the father. He himself brings up his child almost from birth and already has established measures of rewards and punishments.
That is why all attempts to re-educate the child in their own way will be perceived with hostility.
In no case should you strive to win a man's heart completely and be jealous of a child. Quite often, women make this very mistake, heating up the atmosphere in a relationship.
If a father wants to spend the whole day only with his child, you need to accept it calmly, without jealousy and resentment.
When establishing a relationship with such a man, a single woman should behave as sincerely as possible. Such actions will make it possible to find not only a beloved man, but also become a good friend for his child. And in the future, perhaps, a caring mother.