When you saw two cherished strips of a pregnancy test, you want to tell the whole world and share your joy with others. Take your time - not everyone needs to know. To whom, when and how to present the information - it is better to think it over so that 9 months of waiting will bring you only joy. The husband needs to be told first of all - even if you did not plan children, men almost always take the news with joy, although in the first few hours they may be in a state of shock.

Girlfriends and friends
You should not tell your friends about pregnancy ahead of time, who for a long time cannot give birth to a child or have just experienced a miscarriage. It will be an ordeal for them. It is worth preparing them for the news - tell them that you had a similar situation and fears, recommend a doctor and be sure to go with her to a specialist. Friends who consider themselves childfree do not need to talk about the unborn child either. Lead an active lifestyle, and then surprise them that pregnancy in no way interferes with enjoying it, perhaps they will reconsider their outlook on life.
Who Shouldn't Talk About Pregnancy
Don't tell people who are negative about you about your pregnancy. They will take such news as an excuse to offend you once again. Do not even think that pregnancy will help to improve relations with the mother-in-law, at best, it will defiantly emphasize that care is exclusively for the child, and advice - as an unsuccessful housewife and a deliberately bad mother. Let her know later, and at the last date, when it will be impossible to hide your position, take a vacation or tell her that you went on vacation to avoid visits.
Your bosses won't always share your joy
Decide what is important to you: what will they think of you or your health and the health of the child. If the management oppresses pregnant women, there is no need to tell. You can always find another job after the decree, go to the next decree, or maybe during this time the management will have time to change. But here and now you need to finalize the decree and receive payments in full. In order not to justify being late - schedule visits to the doctor in the evening or on Saturday. If you are planning a pregnancy, it will be good if the next vacation comes for a while before going on maternity leave and start wearing loose clothes in advance - so changes in your wardrobe will not arouse suspicion.
How to tell people you don't want to talk to about pregnancy
Send a postcard, preferably with a small gift. This will help you talk about your situation and save yourself from unpleasant dialogues. Make a note that you have become drowsy, and therefore you may not hear the phone call, indicating the most acceptable way of communication is e-mail. And in case of a flurry of advice, correctly inform that you have already passed the school of motherhood, and the attending doctor turned out to be extremely competent and friendly and filled in the information gaps.