From childhood, everyone is taught that girls are gentle, fragile and defenseless creatures, so they need the help of boys. But in adolescence, guys open their eyes, and they see what modern girls really are. And this picture does not please them at all.

Step 1
Of course, much in a girl's character depends on her upbringing and the example that she observes every day in her family. But still, modern girls through the eyes of men in their general mass are spoiled, ill-mannered persons. Why is this happening? Many girls may be surprised and even offended if you say this to them.
Step 2
In modern girls, two features coexist in an incomprehensible way - independence and helplessness. The first is manifested in early puberty, the desire to quickly get out of the care of parents, proving their "adulthood" by smoking, drinking alcohol and intimate contacts with guys. The second is expressed in the absence of guidelines, ignorance of real life, complete isolation from everything earthly and daydreaming.
Step 3
Dreaminess deserves special mention. Modern girls are so immersed in the alluring world of gloss that they do not see its falsehood. Teenage girls are not starting to copy their mother, but models and actresses. This leads to a constant change of image, the desire to conquer men with one glance, the shame to go out without makeup. In the end, the girl becomes a hostage to her appearance and stops paying attention to spiritual development.
Step 4
What modern girls really are, their intellect will tell. Today, very few graduates of schools and even universities know that Napoleon is not only a cake, but, first of all, a great French commander. Moreover, some girls generally first mention the cognac bearing the name of the famous Corsican. Unfortunately, the younger generation of girls starts drinking alcohol very early, without thinking about future motherhood.
Step 5
There is a lot of cynicism in the modern girl, mixed with false ideas about romance. Obscene words, sex without obligations, all night long in clubs and condescending and contemptuous attitude towards guys alternate with bouts of violent manifestations of feelings for these same guys, invented suffering and dreams of a handsome prince who will take away from this "damn reality." Much further from reality.
Step 6
So, modern girls through the eyes of men are selfish bitches with a beautiful princess complex. And what about the other, cute and feminine, girls? And their guys simply do not see, since they do not visit hot spots and do not "hang out" in courtyard companies. At best, such girls have a very narrow social circle, which almost does not include men. At worst, they use other people's nicknames on Internet forums. In the extreme, they turn into those notorious detachment that can be found everywhere.