Is It True That Women Lack Logic

Is It True That Women Lack Logic
Is It True That Women Lack Logic

The word logic is translated as "the art of reasoning" and implies the ability to analyze information and draw conclusions, solve problems based on it. Sometimes you can hear that women have no logic, there is also the expression "female logic", which usually means the same thing.

Is it true that women lack logic
Is it true that women lack logic

Why do they talk about the lack of logic in women

In most cases, men speak about the lack of logic in women. However, this does not mean that this is the case. The reasons may be as follows: men think a little differently, which is why the female train of thought is not always available to their understanding, and this leads men into confusion and can be annoying. But they do not want to admit this, it is easier to write off everything on the lack of logic in the female sex. If a man looks at a beautiful woman and is carried away by her, he may not perceive her words at all. Studies have shown that male viewers looking at female presenters are more likely to miss the point. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the existence of a stereotype that a woman cannot combine beauty and intelligence at the same time.

There are some stereotypes and traditions in society that affect the behavior of the sexes. For example, even if a woman is able to fix some kind of breakdown in the computer or in the house, often she will not even try to do it. She will immediately turn to a man for help, because it is so accepted, because she does not believe in her abilities or she is simply lazy. Because of this, women are often considered more unadapted to technical problems than they really are. And technique is often associated with logic (again, linear, sequential logic).

Due to stereotypes of behavior in society, women often tend to appear weaker and more stupid to men than they are, because they were taught so or because they want to please.

Another reason why ladies are accused of lack of logic is their emotionality. If a woman is offended or annoyed, she, instead of clearly explaining everything to a man, can say some things simply in order to throw out negative emotions. A man will try in vain to find meaning in her words and understand the reason for her behavior. And the woman will hope that he will understand everything himself by her hints.

Also, a woman may not say what she really thinks in order to get from a man some words she needs. He understands everything literally, so he is surprised when a woman gets angry in response to his agreement with her own words.

Features of female logic

The male brain thinks linearly, with the left hemisphere being primarily involved. And in women, thinking can occur in both hemispheres at once, they can immediately think about several things and simultaneously try to put it all into words. For a man, such a speech may seem inconsistent, meaningless, tk. he cannot follow the woman's train of thought. And when, as a result of spontaneous thinking, a woman has found a solution to some problem, even the right one, she will not always be able to explain how she came to this conclusion, and will say that her intuition worked. But this is not an argument for a man.

It is hardly possible to speak about the lack of logic in women, since in life they cope with many tasks every day. It can also be concluded that feminine logic can sometimes differ from masculine logic. And, of course, the degree of development of logic depends on a particular person, be it a man or a woman. For some, it is naturally stronger, for others it is weaker.
