According to research results, about 17% of women have never experienced an orgasm. I will consider the causes of anorgasmia in a separate article. In this one, I would like to dwell on the question of what effect the absence of orgasm has on a woman's body.

Sex that does not end with orgasm affects all women in different ways. Some tolerate this relatively easily, while others, on the contrary, experience very tangible changes in the nervous system and well-being in general. Be that as it may, almost every woman notes a negative effect on the nervous system. Many women feel nervous irritation, an increased level of aggression, a deterioration in mood, poor health, and a depressed state of the body as a whole. Some women experience general malaise and headaches. Prolonged absence of orgasm in a woman's life can contribute to the development of her depression, apathy, aggression, neuroses and lead to the formation of hysterical character traits.
Lack of orgasm negatively affects women's health. Due to stagnation of blood flow in the genitals and the pelvic region, women may develop fibroids, fibroma, inflammation of the ovaries, inflammatory processes of the urinary system and internal genital organs. In women, soreness increases during the menstrual cycle, it may fail, uterine bleeding is possible due to weakening of blood vessels, and nervous tension in the premenstrual period also increases. According to the results of clinical studies, the absence of orgasm can also contribute to the development of cervical cancer, although it has been established that this type of cancer is infectious and sexually transmitted.
Due to hormonal disorders, it is also possible to develop mastopathy - inflammatory processes in the chest. Under unfavorable conditions, mastopathy can lead to the appearance of malignant neoplasms.
According to research, only about 29% of women experience constant orgasm, and 54% do not experience it regularly. The latter include those women who are capable of having an orgasm not with every partner, or with the same one, but not every time. At the same time, about 58% of couples break up due to lack of satisfaction with their partners' sexual life. The share of women who decide to leave a partner who does not fully satisfy her sexual needs is a little less than half.
Achieving harmony in the sexual sphere of a couple is possible with an independent identification of the reasons. The solution to the problem can be the search for new positions and methods of stimulation, the creation of a favorable atmosphere conducive to intimacy, the resolution of conflicts in a couple, etc. If it is not possible to find and eliminate the causes, or the partner does not want to deal with this issue, then the couple or the woman themselves can always turn to a sexologist for help.