The Main Reasons For The Lack Of Orgasm During Sex

The Main Reasons For The Lack Of Orgasm During Sex
The Main Reasons For The Lack Of Orgasm During Sex

Unfortunately, many women do not experience orgasm during sex. Because of this, couples sometimes break up and marriages are destroyed. There are many reasons for the lack of orgasm. Hopefully this article will help those living with such a problem understand their own cause and take appropriate action.

The main reasons for the lack of orgasm during sex
The main reasons for the lack of orgasm during sex

Anorgasmia is a complete or partial absence of orgasm in a woman. There are several types of anograzmia:

- primary: when a woman has never experienced an orgasm in her life.

- secondary: when a woman experiences an orgasm, but not regularly, or when a woman, for some reason, stopped experiencing it altogether.

In the latter case, the lack of orgasm may be due to factors such as

- sporadic anogram, when a woman can reach orgasm, but not always. For example, a woman is able to experience orgasm only during masturbation, however, having sex with a man, she cannot achieve orgasm. Or orgasm

it is not always achieved with the same man. Another option is the individual incompatibility of partners, when a woman has an orgasm with some partners, but not with others;

- situational anogram, when orgasm is achieved depending on the situation. For example, when the light in the room is turned off, and the partner cannot see her naked body;

- nymphomanic anorgasmia, when a woman experiences excessive vaginal arousal, but does not reach orgasm;

- traumatic anorgasmia caused by the experience of sexual violence against a woman (psychological component) or emerging diseases of the female reproductive system (for example, removal of the uterus) - a physiological component.

The first three types of secondary anorgasmia are classified as relative. Primary anorgasmia and traumatic - to absolute.

There are three degrees of severity of anograzmia:

1. The emergence of sexual arousal, but the inability to reach the peak of pleasure.

2. Lack of excitement and, as a result, satisfaction of desire.

3. Negative, up to disgust, attitude towards sex.

The most common reasons for a woman's lack of orgasm include psychological and physiological problems, as well as dysgamia.

Among the physiological ones, one can distinguish: poor blood circulation in the pelvic area, underdevelopment of nerve endings in the internal and external genital organs, pathology of the female genital organs, delayed sexual development, menopause, cervical rupture after childbirth, inflammatory processes in the uterus and vagina,.

The ability to experience orgasm can be affected by some diseases that are not directly related to the female reproductive system: neurological diseases, diabetes, sclerosis, endocrine system problems, obesity, hypothyroidism, fibroids and fibroids.

Frequent alcohol consumption, alcoholic intoxication, and drug addiction negatively affect the ability to experience orgasm. Some medications can interfere with an orgasm: antihypertensives, antihistamines, and antidepressants.

Psychological reasons include the problems associated with a woman's attitude to sex as a part of life, to herself and her sexuality, to a sex partner.

The sexual attractiveness of a partner for a woman also plays an important role. The level of her sexual arousal, emancipation in the manifestation of sensuality and passion, the ability to open up to a partner depends on her.

For many women, the environment in which a couple has sex is important. For example, the risk that someone may enter the room where coitus is taking place at any time can create discomfort, keep the woman tense, not allowing her to relax and focus on her feelings.

Also, the ability to focus on the pleasure experienced can be influenced by the woman's assessment of her external attractiveness, the constraint of her body, its negative assessment, the embarrassment of being naked in front of her boyfriend, etc.

Excessive concentration on giving the partner maximum pleasure, to appear in his eyes as the best lover, control in these aspects of everything that she does herself, tracking the partner's reaction, also distract women from the sensations that she herself is experiencing.

Lack of sexual arousal before intercourse can be associated with a variety of reasons: fatigue, feeling unwell, satiety with sex, and so on.

Disagreements in relationships with a partner, conflicts with him, resentment, guilt, jealousy, etc., have a negative impact on the quality of sex and the ability to reach the peak of pleasure.

The moral and ethical education of a woman in childhood has no less influence. The formation of a negative attitude towards sex in a girl cannot but affect her sexuality in adulthood.

Oddly enough it may sound, but the woman's fear of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases can interfere with the experience of orgasm.

Past sexual abuse and sexual harassment can also form an extremely negative attitude towards sex in a woman. It can also appear as a result of a bad first sexual experience.

Dysgamy is associated with problems of sexual compatibility with a male partner.

For example, a woman's ability to experience an orgasm is related to the size of a man's penis. An oversized penis can cause pain in a woman, which will help reduce a woman's level of sexual arousal. A penis that is too small may not reach the cervix, which is very important for most women to have an orgasm.

Compatibility problems also include the difference in temperaments between men and women. If some women have enough stingy foreplay, others need a long foreplay. The quality of the foreplay is also important.

Interrupted intercourse, as well as premature ejaculation in a man, can interfere with the achievement of orgasm.

Such factors as a lack of variety in sex, having sex in the same positions, and a decrease in the desire for sex with a particular partner can dull sexual desire.

Of course, anorgasmia, which has arisen for physiological reasons, should be treated by specialized doctors. A sexologist and psychologist will help to cope with psychological reasons. It is important to understand that postponing the solution to the problem of reaching orgasm contributes to its aggravation. This is especially true for reasons rooted in childhood or negative sexual experiences. In adulthood, dealing with such problems becomes more difficult. On the other hand, the lack of orgasm in a woman's life negatively affects her overall health.
