How Women Deal With Lack Of Orgasm

How Women Deal With Lack Of Orgasm
How Women Deal With Lack Of Orgasm

Some girls cannot cope with the lack of orgasm, resigning themselves to the situation. The emergence of a large amount of literature on this topic has allowed many to reach the peak of pleasure. For this, vibrators, special oils, Keglya exercises are used.

How women deal with lack of orgasm
How women deal with lack of orgasm

Whereas men have an innate ability to orgasm, it is much more difficult for women to achieve peak pleasure. Many of the fairer sex have no idea what this feeling is. There are those who confuse it with plateau-stage emotions. During orgasm, there is a peak of sexual pleasure, accompanied by involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. At this moment, the entire nervous system "reboots".



Scientists from the University of Michigan conducted a survey in which women from 18 to 28 years old took part. The main question is: "How do you feel about the inability to reach orgasm with your partner." When analyzing the results, it turned out that most people prefer to think that the lack of a peak in pleasure is not a problem. Some representatives of the fairer sex believe that this phenomenon does not depend on them in any way.

Among the subjects were women who hoped that they would be able to achieve the full range of emotions in bed. Scientists argue that such self-hypnosis tactics help to avoid feelings of "abnormality", to reduce the importance of orgasm in intimate life.

Anorgasmia and how you can fight it

There are two types of anorgasmia. Situational, formed due to internal tension, which arises against the background of information coming from external sources. Many glossy magazines, porn films impose on society the image of an ideal woman. Such a lady should be:

  • successful;
  • smart;
  • with a good figure;
  • sexually liberated.

It is believed that such women experience an enchanting orgasm, even several times during one sexual intercourse. However, real life turns out to be far from the one advertised by the media. Due to attitudes, a woman begins sexual intercourse with the thought that it is imperative to experience an orgasm. Excessive concentration leads to tension, the appearance of unnecessary clamps. The girl simply ceases to notice not only her partner, but also the process of sex itself. The best thing in this situation is to visit a sexologist. He works on harmful attitudes. On your own, you can try to move away from the usual vision of sex, try to feel your body, your desires and instincts.


The second type of anorgasmia is primary. It is caused by sexual trauma such as rape. Such injuries lead to constant feelings of anxiety, fear and anxiety. Because of them, there is a "blockage" of sexual pleasure at the plateau stage, which precedes orgasm. In this case, the woman must work through her negative memories, cope with fear and anxiety.

What methods do women use to get an orgasm?

If the girl has set herself the goal of getting an orgasm, additional techniques are used for this. First, you need to understand what is the greatest stimulus, what actions allow you to enjoy the sensations. For this, many are engaged in self-examination of their bodies.

Women who study special literature know that the most powerful is the clitoral orgasm. To get it, it is enough to stimulate the clitoris. The easiest way to do this is to use a vibrator. Shower, hands and special toys can be used. Myocompression actions also help to cope with the lack of orgasm, when you need to squeeze your legs, a blanket or a pillow between them.


Today there are various formulations, instruments on the market. Applicable:

  1. Intimate massagers. They increase sensitivity, allow you to find the "G" point, to determine the erogenous zones. However, the use of a massager can become a habit, after which an ordinary man is unlikely to be able to compete with him.
  2. Special warming oils for the clitoris. They promote blood flow to intimate places, have a slight irritating effect. They should be used carefully, as allergies may occur, and if used incorrectly, the opposite effect.
  3. Skittle exercises. This is a set of actions aimed at strengthening and loosening the pelvic floor muscles, improving blood supply. The poles include the ability to have an orgasm during sexual stimulation.

In conclusion, we note that new postures and avoidance of stressful situations will help to cope with the lack of orgasm. If you cannot cope with the root cause of the situation on your own, you can visit a sexologist.
