How The Lack Of Sex Affects A Woman

How The Lack Of Sex Affects A Woman
How The Lack Of Sex Affects A Woman

They say that a woman does not need sex as much as a man, and for a long time can do without physical intimacy with a man. Is it so? In practice, we see a different picture: psychological changes affect both the emotional and physical nature of a woman. And it's not so easy to return harmony.

How the lack of sex affects a woman
How the lack of sex affects a woman

The lack of healthy sex in one way or another is reflected negatively in a woman's life, manifests itself in her character and affects her appearance. Even if a woman overcame her desires and moved away from sex life, her loneliness and dissatisfaction still manifest themselves. How does the lack of carnal joy affect a woman?

  • During intercourse and orgasm, a natural sedative, the hormone oxytocin, is released into the bloodstream. Without it, sleep becomes anxious, a person tosses and turns in a dream and does not get proper rest. Sleepy woman is irritable.
  • The lack of sex negatively affects the skin, it is aging, since it does not receive enough natural collagen, which is produced during regular sexual intercourse, namely collagen gives the skin elasticity, smoothness and silkiness.
  • Lack of progesterone, which prevents acne from appearing, leads to inflammation, and flabby muscles in the legs and arms and sagging breasts complement the picture with not the most comforting details.
  • Lack of endorphins, which are called "hormones of happiness", leads to dissatisfaction with oneself, a woman often breaks down on others, her mood can fluctuate dramatically.
  • Oxytocin and estrogen, produced by the body during regular sex, dull pain sensations, so pain relievers have to be used often, as a woman can often suffer from migraines, abdominal pain during menstruation.
  • A woman without a regular sex life gets sick more often, since her body does not have enough antiviral antibodies, which are produced by 30% more with regular sex.
  • During sex, the blood is saturated with oxygen, and the brain works better, while in the opposite case, the lack of sex affects memory, the woman forgets everything, becomes distracted or, conversely, begins to provoke increased mental and organizational activity in herself, which can lead to success in the professional sphere and the emasculation of the emotional sphere. They say about such women - a biscuit, and there is really little pleasant in this.
  • Lack of sex significantly reduces self-esteem, and deep down, such a woman feels insecure, vulnerable and unhappy.
