How To Propose To Leave

How To Propose To Leave
How To Propose To Leave

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When a man and a woman truly love each other, it seems to them that this will always be so. But, alas, "nothing lasts forever under the moon!" Very often, even lovers with many years of "experience" suddenly feel cold to each other and understand: it's time to leave. But what is the best way to do this? Who should take the lead, what words to choose? And most importantly - how to ensure that the separation goes with dignity, in a civilized manner, without unpleasant scenes, reproaches, scandals?

How to propose to leave
How to propose to leave


Step 1

The first step towards a decisive explanation can be taken by both the man and the woman. In no case do not justify yourself by blaming the upcoming separation on the opposite side, and even more so, you should not make tantrums and scandals. Don't exaggerate your strengths or belittle your weaknesses. Even in the most discreet and polite manner. After all, it will be both offensive and unfair: surely both lovers are to blame for the cooling of the relationship, albeit to varying degrees.

Step 2

Do not spare the kindest words for your partner or partner. Be sure to thank for the love, kindness, dedication shown to you. Assure that the best and warmest memories will remain in your memory, no matter how many years have passed.

Step 3

Be sure to point out that the end of your love relationship does not mean that you will stop communicating. It's just that your meetings will become more restrained, purely friendly, and a partner (partner) can always count on your feasible help, advice, participation.

Step 4

You can resort to such a very reasonable tactic: offer to part, not forever, but temporarily, that is, for a certain period. This can be very useful if the lovers, although they have grown cold to each other, still have doubts: is it worth parting, will they make a mistake, which they will later regret? Some "time-out" can bring the final clarity to this difficult situation. If, after the expiration of the term, it is clear that the old relationship cannot be renewed, you should leave without hesitation. But, of course, in an amicable way!

Step 5

Well, if it became clear to a man and a woman that they got excited, rushed, then perhaps they will be together again. "From separation, love only grows stronger!" - this truth has been known since ancient times.
