In childhood, friendships develop in the most natural way. You live in neighboring apartments, your parents are friends, or you go to the same kindergarten group - this is enough for you to become friends. Friendships are much more difficult to establish in adulthood. As adults, we are in daily contact with a large number of new people, but these contacts are not at all a reason for further relationships and friendship.

Step 1
When we grow up, we begin to understand the value of friendship, and do not seek to get closer to each of those who meet us on the path of life. We do not even know what the names of our neighbors are and for us there is no reason for close friendly relations, daily contacts with colleagues at work. The more pleasant and surprising it is to meet a person who immediately aroused sympathy, to whom you immediately feel trust and a desire to offer friendship.
Step 2
If you are interested in this person, and you felt interest in him, if you wanted to get to know him better and you are impressed by the thoughts that he expressed when you met, then you should not be shy. You should also openly support his statements by presenting your own arguments and expressing your own opinion. You, as adults, should demonstrate to each other the similarity of your positions on key life issues, and then consolidate mutual sympathy with face-to-face communication.
Step 3
This does not imply intimacy, it is enough to invite your new friend to continue the conversation over a cup of a cafe or during a joint lunch in a cafe or restaurant. However, you can also chat while walking together. Tell us briefly about yourself, about your hobbies and life principles, you should give your interlocutor an opportunity to form his opinion about you and interest him in yourself.
Step 4
After making sure that a person is interesting to you, his position and principles are close to you, his society is interesting, you can tell him frankly about this and offer to continue acquaintance. It is not known whether your first mutual interest and sympathy will grow into a strong friendship, but you should never lose a chance and deprive yourself of the pleasure of communicating with an interesting person.