A child who is studying with a tutor will be ahead of his peers in the subjects he is engaged in additionally. But this will only happen if you hire a tutor not mindlessly, but for certain reasons. You need to know that tutoring has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Tutors just quickly pull up on a certain subject, and do not develop children.
… Tutors just quickly pull up to a certain subject, and do not develop children.
In addition to knowledge of the subject, it is worth developing self-discipline, which is difficult to do with a tutor.
In addition to knowledge in the subject, it is worth developing self-discipline, which is difficult to do with a tutor.
Benefits of tutoring from first grade
At the present time, there is a tendency to complicate classes in schools. Moreover, not every first grader is ready for the high requirements of the modern educational system. Tutors can help in his progress. They can explain the subject in a more accessible way than teachers or parents; give an interesting task; ask more often than the teacher. There are fewer distractions in tutoring than in the classroom or at home.
It is worth hiring a tutor if:
The child does not have additional circles and sections.
Bad luck with the first teacher.
Parents want the child to develop in a certain direction.
Parents do not have the time or desire to deal with the child themselves.
The first grader lags behind in many subjects.
The child goes to school with increased requirements.
Parents and children have problems with time management and / or self-organization.
Parents want to give their child knowledge of English, but they themselves do not know it.
Most of the children in the class are well ahead of the child in development.
The child has missed a large number of classes (for example, due to illness)
Disadvantages of tutoring from first grade
Do not wear out the child with an extra load just like that. It may seem to adults that a child can do a lot - in a sports club, in a music school, in a general education school, and even at home, let him work out. It should be borne in mind that children get tired much faster than adults.
At the same time, tutoring is not mandatory, but a desirable phenomenon, therefore, you can refuse it. It is worth doing this if:
The child independently copes with the school program.
Parents want to find contact with the child.
Parents want to have total control over the educational process.
The child has little free time due to the presence of additional circles and sections.
Parents want to teach their child to study independently.
In addition, you need to think about the high cost of tutoring services and whether it is worth spending so much money and effort on classes with a child. It is possible that he can cope with school activities on his own or with a little parental involvement.