A man left you? Well, this can happen to everyone, even the most beautiful, even the most intelligent, kind, loving, interesting girl. The reasons for such an act can be very diverse, and everyone experiences a breakup in their own way. Someone understands that it is necessary to let go of the person, and moves on. But what if you love a person too much and are unable to let him go? They say that they don't enter the same river twice, but if you really want to try, but at least follow some basic tips.

Step 1
First of all, be patient. Remember that there can be a lot of reasons for breaking up. Perhaps your man was captivated by some other woman, and very often it happens that this is just a passion that flared up for a while. He will calm down, he will see and understand that he made a mistake, which means that everything will be resolved by itself.
Of course, this is not the case in all cases. But in any case, the first thing you have to do is relax. Develop yourself, go somewhere to relax, change your life environment, maybe start a new relationship.
However, if your feelings are very strong, of course, you will not be able to relax for a long time.
Step 2
Be consistent, persistently go towards your goal. You should not bombard a man with messages, pester him with calls, in general, be intrusive. He left you because something in this life did not suit him. It is possible that he was not satisfied with something in you, and if now you actively pester him, then you will only aggravate the situation. Let go of your man, understand that now (hopefully temporarily) he is not yours. He must feel this freedom and make a decision on his own. So hold back your emotions.
Step 3
Become with your former friends. If you broke up badly, then after a while try to establish friendly contact with him. If your feelings were strong, then he still won't be able to erase you from his memory and heart, you are too tightly bound. Offer him to become friends, let him begin to trust you exactly as a friend. Look for common topics of conversation that are not relevant to your relationship. And don't be an open book for him. Do not tell him the details of your personal life, let interest and curiosity awaken in him.
Step 4
Take care of yourself. Due to the fact that a guy dumped you, you should not become overgrown with a bunch of complexes and think that everything is wrong with you. But, perhaps, if you sign up for a fitness club, update your wardrobe and get a new haircut, you will open up to your ex from a completely different side, and interest in you will wake up with renewed vigor. And in general, transformations are always beneficial.
Step 5
And remember: if you are destined to be together, you will still be together. If you feel that this is not your person and that you will not have a future, then let him go and forget. Even if you love very much. After all, he is not the last man on earth.
I wish you happiness and good luck!