Why Do Men Come Back

Why Do Men Come Back
Why Do Men Come Back

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Unfortunately, even loving people sometimes break up. Not only couples living in a civil marriage are dispersed, but also those who have formalized a relationship, raise children, have lived together for a long time. Sociologists say that women are more likely to initiate divorce. But they also note the fact that men who left the family return much more often.

Why do men come back
Why do men come back


Step 1

Sometimes a man is forced to leave the family by a woman who, for example, could not immediately forgive him for betrayal. The resentment that moved her made her expose her husband, who obeyed her decision. In fact, men are quite conservative in this regard and, even despite the connection on the side, rarely any of them seriously decides to break family ties. They are quite satisfied with this situation. Leaving after a spontaneous quarrel, they get the opportunity to assess how much their family is really dear to them. Left alone and having calmed down after some time, the woman also soberly assesses the situation and can forgive the offense. Spouses who maintain relationships, including through children, can be reunited again if the man takes the initiative and repent.

Step 2

The reason that a man leaves, having lived a couple of decades in the family, sometimes becomes the notorious "midlife crisis." During this period, the children have already grown up and are leaving home, but the man feels still young and is afraid of the coming old age. He leaves, trying to prove to himself that he can start all over again. But this is a run from oneself, which is doomed to failure in advance. Realizing the value of those relationships and the life he lived, the man returns again if the woman has enough wisdom to understand and forgive such an act.

Step 3

Not often, but it happens when the return occurs after many years. If a man is young, it seems to him that a better lot and a better woman are waiting for him ahead, so he does not appreciate what he has. Leaving such a woman and trying his luck with others, he can realize his mistake and appreciate the kindred spirit that he lost due to his youth and stupidity. And such examples happen not only in cinema, but also in life.

Step 4

A guy can stop dating a girl if he begins to think that the relationship has become insipid, and she is not as interesting as he initially thought. For some girls, such an event, which at first seemed like a tragedy, becomes an occasion to work on themselves and their appearance, to start a new life. They are transformed by starting fitness, changing their style, achieving success in their careers. It is here that the “former” appears again, whose eyes were opened to what kind of treasure he had lost.

Step 5

It is rightly said that in order to find, one must lose. Of course, let's not forget how much nerves and health, especially for a woman, such an experiment will cost, but if the feelings of the spouses are mutual, if they love and respect each other, then such a fabulous end is quite possible.
