Even religious people who are married can face insurmountable contradictions and come to the desire to leave. However, most world religions have a negative attitude towards divorce, clearly regulating in which situations it is possible and in which it is not. In order to dissolve a religious marriage, it is necessary to know the position of the church in relation to divorce.

Orthodoxy has traditionally treated divorce sharply negatively. Moreover, for a long time, divorce was, in principle, impossible even for members of the royal family. In the current situation, the church adapts to changes in society, while maintaining its principled position. The Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church has a special section dedicated to the family. It condemns divorce because it is contrary to the gospel and is also harmful to both spouses and their children. However, in some cases, church divorce is allowed as a last resort. Such situations include betrayal of a spouse, his unknown absence, incurable mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. If the civil marriage concluded in the registry office is dissolved, and the spouses have not lived together for a long time, their church marriage can also be annulled, which, however, is not approved if there were no serious reasons for divorce. After a divorce, the Orthodox Church allows remarriage if the person has not been found guilty of the divorce. However, this option is not overly approved by the priests. The modern Catholic Church is even more strict about divorce. A Catholic marriage cannot end in divorce, but under certain conditions it can be annulled. The reason for this may be non-compliance with the basic conditions of marriage - marital fidelity, cohabitation, etc. However, even in the event of a real conflict, the Catholic Church encourages spouses to try their best to reconcile. A Catholic divorce is considered in a special church tribunal and usually takes 2-3 years. This tribunal also decides if former spouses can remarry. Anyone who is guilty of a divorce may be denied a second wedding in the church. Islam also has a negative opinion about divorce. However, traditionally, the practice of divorce within the framework of this religion is easier than in Christianity. Traditionally, it was enough for the husband to say the threefold "Divorce!" with witnesses and his marriage was dissolved. Officially, the husband is not obliged to explain the reason for the divorce and have compelling arguments for him, while the unreasonable dissolution of the marriage is condemned. A wife can also get a divorce, but on the condition that she can prove to religious authorities that her husband did not fulfill his duties in marriage, for example, could not support his family, committed adultery, etc. Divorce is also discouraged in Judaism. However, before the wedding, the newlyweds sign a semblance of a marriage contract, which stipulates, among other things, the conditions for a possible divorce. The specificity of divorce in Judaism is that both spouses must give consent to it. In this case, after a divorce, they will be able to remarry without any problems.