How To Develop A Child At 2 Years Old

How To Develop A Child At 2 Years Old
How To Develop A Child At 2 Years Old

At two years old, the child actively absorbs new knowledge and skills. It is important not to miss the moment and to come to grips with the development of his logic, speech, computation skills and independence.

The development of a child at two years old should take place in a playful way
The development of a child at two years old should take place in a playful way

At two years old, the child wakes up a desire to actively learn new things, express himself and fantasize. Therefore, parents need to make every effort to maintain the aspirations of the crumbs.

Developing the logical thinking of the baby, you can use large puzzles. They can be in the form of books, soft or wooden. Matching puzzles work well. For example, they consist of two parts, on one of which the image of a whole object (tree) is drawn, on the other - its part (leaf). Encourage your child to choose a patch of the appropriate shape for the holes in the form of geometric shapes. Ask your child to look for specific animals on the pages of books, remembering what sounds they make.

Two years is a good time to lay the foundations of mathematics. For this purpose, you can use various books and coloring pages depicting a certain number of objects familiar to the baby. In children's stores you can find train puzzles with sequentially attached carriages with one, two, three, etc. animals. Count toys, objects on the table, clothes, and anything else that comes to hand.

Actively develop your baby's speech and vocabulary. Name a new word, preferably with a visual reference to the object or action that it stands for, and after a while ask to repeat it. You can start learning English with the names of flowers and toys, ask to find objects named in a foreign language. Learn letters with colorful letters, cards, drawings, cubes.

Introduce your child to the world around him. At home, you can use children's encyclopedias, cards for this. While studying animals, give your child as much information as possible: where he lives, what color of wool or feathers, flies / walks / crawls, what he eats, what sounds he utters, etc. Ask questions and ask for detailed information on all of this. While playing with dolls and stuffed toys, have the child show all known body parts on them, and then show them on himself.

Develop your child's independence while getting ready for a walk. Punch holes in the cardboard and teach your child to lace. Make all kinds of appliques and crafts from natural materials or brightly colored beads and paper.

Summing up, it can be noted that a child's development should be complex and must contain praise for the successful completion of tasks, because at this age a sense of his own “I” awakens in him. It is important for the baby to feel loved, to know that everything will work out for him, and his mother will always be there.
