The vocabulary of a 4-year-old child is about 150-200 words. At this age, children, as a rule, can tell about themselves: their name, surname, address, and also freely answer questions from adults. Speech does not develop by itself, you should purposefully work on pronunciation and memorization of new words and their meanings.

Working on correct pronunciation
A child of four does not always pronounce words correctly. Some sounds are swallowed and others are replaced. In working on the correct pronunciation, the example of the parents is important. In communicating with the baby, one should speak on equal terms, and not imitate the wrong child's speech. Once a day, articulatory gymnastics and exercises should be carried out with the child: stretch your lips in a smile, open your mouth wide, raise and lower your tongue, hiss like a snake and growl like a tiger cub. Difficult to pronounce words need to be spelled by the baby.
You should communicate with your child at the level of his eyes so that he can see that you are listening to him carefully, and at the same time he will notice how you pronounce each word and sound separately.
Enriching vocabulary
The main work on mastering new words will be carried out during your everyday communication with your child. Talk about interesting topics, explain the meanings of new words. You can look at children's books and magazines with your baby. Ask him to name the objects that are shown in the picture. A great contribution to the replenishment of the vocabulary is made by plot pictures, in which the heroes perform an action. Try to describe the event taking place in the picture using new, previously unfamiliar words for the crumbs.
Another playful method is called New Word Day. Every morning, for example, on the way to kindergarten, you will introduce your child to a new word. Tell about it, show it if possible, and in the evening, you need to check whether the child remembered this word well or badly.
Development of spontaneous speech
This is one of the most difficult types of speech. Children master spontaneous speech perfectly before entering school.
The development of spontaneous speech is facilitated by communication on the phone. Ask a family member to call you and place your baby on the phone. In a telephone conversation, the child will learn to maintain a conversation.
The complexity of spontaneous speech depends not only on external conditions, i.e. where and with whom the conversation is being conducted, but also on the speech capabilities of the speaker. There are fun ways to develop spontaneous speech. You can switch roles with your child, where he asks questions, monitors your speech. You will also be helped by impromptu games, playing out situations, such as "At the doctor's appointment", "At the table", "In the store". And any activity of the kids is playing out the plot of their favorite fairy tale.