Five Important Tips For Developing A Child's Speech From 0 To 5 Years Old

Five Important Tips For Developing A Child's Speech From 0 To 5 Years Old
Five Important Tips For Developing A Child's Speech From 0 To 5 Years Old

Have you heard the first "agu"? Maybe there will be more! =) And how to help the kid start to speak correctly? Speech therapists tips and funny examples from wonderful moms

Five important tips for developing a child's speech from 0 to 5 years old
Five important tips for developing a child's speech from 0 to 5 years old

Many moms and dads ask themselves the question: how to help the child start speaking correctly? There are many articles and scientific papers on this topic, but we managed to combine the main recommendations of speech therapists and the experience of mothers in 5 tips for each family.

1. Talk to your baby from birth as much as possible; do not "distort" words and do not "lisp"

Comment on all your joint actions, everything you see. For example, make it a rule to ask your child every time you go outside: "What color is the sky today? Are there clouds in the sky? Who is walking on the street?" (be sure to call slowly and point your finger at all the answers: birds, dogs, other children …) Let the baby remember how you describe the world around you, at the same time you develop his attentiveness.

2. When speaking, take your time, pause

Let the child have the opportunity to think and speak. Even if at first the child will be silent in response, it is worth continuing, and he will begin to answer you. Everything has its time. The child should hear and understand that you are waiting for his answer, that his opinion is important to you.

3. There must be a mood for conversation

If you want to tell your baby a new word, wait until the baby is in a good mood. For example, most children enjoy reading books with fairy tales with their parents. Pay the baby's attention to all the pictures, pronounce the name of each element of the illustration (grass, fungus, sun, dog, etc.), if your baby is a little older, start paying his attention to interesting speech patterns, read dialogues with intonation.

Do not be afraid to re-read the same books, the same rhymes 10 or even 30 times - your child will enjoy reading his favorite works. Children better perceive texts they already know. By the way, you can invite your daughter or son to play out a poem or a fairy tale at home with toys, and on the street - independently by roles. For example, the fairy tale "Teremok" or "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" is very convenient to play in an ordinary orphanage (on the playground), you can involve neighboring boys and girls in the process. It will turn out to be very fun and useful.

4. Develop fine motor skills of hands and do articulatory exercises

The fact is that in the brain the center responsible for speech and the center responsible for fine motor skills of the hands are very close. Therefore, by stimulating the development of one, you stimulate the development of the other. You can sort out beans, peas, decorate coloring pages with stickers … Replace markers with pencils with edges, so that while the baby is drawing, the edges are massaged by small fingers. Let the baby button his own buttons, unfasten and close the zippers on clothes, let the child help you dress not only the dolls, but you (his parents) as well. Sculpt as much as possible, draw with your fingers, glue applications, assemble constructors and mosaics, assemble pyramids, Velcro, assemble and disassemble nesting dolls …

Do articulatory exercises regularly: play football with your tongue (put your tongue against the right and left cheeks alternately), "brush" your teeth with your tongue, etc. You can depict tomatoes (puff out your cheeks), cucumbers (pull in your cheeks), a fish (pull in your cheeks and move your sponges).

5. If the child is mistaken - do not laugh at him and do not scold him.

Pronounce this word correctly, do not repeat the wrong version. By the way, a very good option: to pronounce paired words, similar in sound: spoon-boat.

And remember: the child begins to speak if he has a need for it. In a situation where mom, dad, grandparents and without words fulfill all the baby's desires, the child does not make sense to make efforts and start expressing his thoughts and desires in words. Ask the child again, explain that you do not understand what he wants, ask him to repeat it. Give him time to try and name the desired item. If absolutely nothing - in minutes 1, 5-2, name yourself with an interrogative intonation and after answering "yes" or "no" (let me think again) you can give what the little one asked for.

Now let's remember at what age and what words children should say. But don't forget - everyone has their own rhythm. Someone starts chatting from the very beginning, someone accumulates a passive vocabulary for a long time and then abruptly begins to burn a lot, a lot … The main thing is that the child in one way or another makes contact and by the age of 2, 5 he begins to actively talk.


Recently I came across a selection of funny children's words from different mothers on the forums! Here are some examples:

"mamalet" - plane

"copaka" - shovel

"nini" - pussy

"Titi" - birds

"ba" - dog, banana, grandma, wow

"Downs" - stairs

"Titibot" - sandwich

What funny words did your little ones say? Let's share in the comments!
