What Is A Patriarchal Family

What Is A Patriarchal Family
What Is A Patriarchal Family

Patriarchal family relationships are at the core of many Eastern, European, and American pre-Columbian civilizations. The main role in this case is played by consanguineous relations. At the same time, the wife strictly obeys the will of her husband, and the children - to the wishes of their parents.

What is a patriarchal family
What is a patriarchal family

Foundations of the patriarchal family

In a patriarchal family, a man is the main breadwinner and earner, and a woman, as a rule, does not work, but only manages the household, looks after the house and children.

During the Middle Ages, the patriarchal family united several generations of relatives working together. This is where the traditions of family business originated, which still exist today. At the same time, this included not only close relatives, but also second cousins and even husband's concubines and mistresses.

Such a family is monogamous exclusively for a woman. Men were given much more freedom. The most striking examples of patriarchal families still exist in Arab countries, where, as you know, polygamy is officially allowed. Some sociologists believe that in patriarchal families there is the enslavement of women and discrimination of the weaker sex.

In the modern world, the patriarchal family consists mainly of spouses and children. Sometimes it includes the parents of the husband and wife, and the relationship is more democratic. If earlier decisions in such a family were made exclusively by the husband, now the spouses often consult with each other, but the man continues to play a key role.

Disadvantages of the patriarchal family

Probably many people think that a big family is just a dream. But in practice, everything looks completely different. Representatives of different generations simply interfere with each other's life. Sometimes the situation reaches the point of absurdity, for example, if grandparents try not to interfere in the lives of their children and grandchildren, they are accused of coldness and lack of help, and in the opposite situation - of importunity.

On the other hand, the eldest man in the family is in charge. However, this does not mean that he is the wisest or intellectually gifted. All attention is focused exclusively on his biological age. It is not surprising that his statements sometimes baffle the younger members of the family.

If several families of approximately the same age live under the same roof, for example, siblings with children and wives, then a conflict of interests is likely, since it is quite natural that it is not possible to live in exactly the same way. Sometimes the situation is aggravated by property priorities, because not all relatives are equally the owners of the housing in which they live.

In other words, it is quite difficult to build harmonious and respectful relationships between all members of a patriarchal family. Most often, they are based on a desire to pay tribute to traditions, and not true feelings.
