Mom is busy with her household chores, while the baby sits quietly in the walker, entertains himself as best he can, and sways from side to side. It would seem that it is a perfect idyll, but it is not complete without a “but”.

Are the walkers mom's helpers?
In recent years, manufacturers of baby products have been creating many different useful devices to facilitate the work of a young mother. In children's supermarkets, without exaggeration, eyes run wide. One of the ways to distract an older baby for a short time is a rocking walker. You can use them only when the baby is more than 6 months old, and he knows how to hold his back.
A walker is like a highchair. You put the baby in a special seat inside this entertainment center, and he can "run" around the apartment himself, in fact, not yet being able to move independently. The baby's feet touch the floor, and wheels are mounted around the bottom frame of the walker.
As a rule, children are delighted with such a device. They are happy to get into the "mobile", jump, "run" and play. After all, the rocking walker is equipped with different buttons, squeaks and twists. The main thing is not to miss the moment when the baby is tired, and to remove it from the device in time.
Rocking walkers - are there any benefits?
With a slight movement of the hand, a conventional walker turns into a rocking chair. If, of course, you have purchased a model with just such functions of the transformer. The kid is in the same way in the walker, but at the bottom, instead of a frame with wheels, you can attach special bent "skis". They are very stable - and you do not have to worry that the child will roll over.
All children are different, they are born with a set of personal qualities. Someone likes to jump more, someone - to run, and someone loves to swing. Therefore, this version of the transforming walker will suit any baby. Another question - is it worth using a walker in principle?
The main thing is in moderation
There comes a moment when a young mother gets tired, she wants to devote at least a little time during the day to herself, or just calmly do something around the house, not worrying about what is with the baby, and whether he will cry. This becomes especially relevant when the baby begins to sit, crawl, stand and move along the furniture.
The decision to buy a rocking walker is yours. Why not? The main thing is that everything should be in moderation. You should not keep your baby in this device for days on end, even if he himself really asks. And then, six months later, complain that the child still does not walk.
Start with a certain regimen from the very beginning. And do not abuse this way to free your hands.