A small child is essentially a first-tester. He is interested in everything that surrounds him, and while this huge new world for him is concentrated in the space of the apartment, he explores it with interest. Parents should insure the baby, make his research as safe as possible.

Step 1
Babies should always be supervised while bathing, otherwise water from a friend can turn into an enemy. In order to drown, a child needs 6 centimeters of water. Dangerous objects in this case include a toilet bowl, a sink, a fountain, buckets of water, an inflatable pool, a moat with rainwater.

Step 2
The most common items that children burn today are primarily hot drinks such as coffee or tea. Of the household items that cause burns, the hair straightener has become the leader.

Step 3
Parents should be aware of the dangers that barbecue can pose. Even after cooking, carbon monoxide is emitted in the grill, and therefore the barbecue should not be brought into the tent if it rains. Carbon monoxide settles at the bottom as it is heavier than air.

Step 4
Babies under six months do not have enough strength to roll over. For this reason, hard mattresses are used for children of this age. Suffocation can end the child's sleep on an orthopedic mattress, feather bed or water bed.

Step 5
Plastic bags, bags and the like should be kept out of the reach of the child, since the baby can suffocate in them if he puts them on his head and cannot take them off, getting entangled.

Step 6
Any wire, cord or string over 14 centimeters (14 centimeters) can choke a baby up to 36 months of age. This age allows babies to move around, but they are not able to get out of troubles on their own. So these items should be removed by parents from the field of view of children as far as possible.

Step 7
All sockets in a house where there is a small child must be closed with special mechanisms with a shutter, in order not only to protect the baby from electric shock, but also so that he cannot pull this fuse out of the outlet.

Step 8
Kids drag all small items into their mouths, such as buttons, coins, construction kit parts, sweets, and chewing gum. Parents should keep small items away from children's eyes, because the child can choke on them or stick them in their nose.

Step 9
The baby needs an eye and an eye, parents should not forget about this for a second. Almost half of all accidents with children occur from falls from a height. This includes not only falls from the balcony, but also from a stroller, crib and chair.

Step 10
Electrical appliances must never be left plugged in. Due to low-quality devices, a fire can occur, a crumb can get burned from a hot iron or even an electric shock.