How To Combine Household Chores And Caring For A Small Child

How To Combine Household Chores And Caring For A Small Child
How To Combine Household Chores And Caring For A Small Child

As the child grows, it requires more attention, time and energy. How to keep up with doing household chores and looking after your baby? And how can this be done for the benefit of everyone?

Household chores and play
Household chores and play

At first, most newborn babies give mothers the opportunity to do housework, get enough sleep and take care of themselves. We are talking about more or less calm children who do not suffer from colic and other problems. For the first 3-4 months, the baby sleeps most of the time, waking up for meals and short-term wakefulness.

In the process of growth, the child begins to be active: crawling, walking, running and demanding constant attention. It is at this moment that most parents are faced with the problem - how to combine childcare with other activities? Usually, this question torments the parents of first-born babies. More experienced moms and dads are advised to involve the child in the cleaning process, cooking and other household chores.

A kid aged 1 year and older can be distracted by various objects that are new to him. Offer him safe jars with lids, ladles, large pasta, dried fruit, and other items and foods. It's okay if he crumbles bread or throws bags on the kitchen floor. But you will have time to prepare food. Undoubtedly, the child must be constantly in the line of sight of the parents.

Putting away toys with mom, the child gets used to order. This important quality will definitely come in handy in the future. If you do this in the form of a game, the baby will definitely want to repeat the proposed actions next time. My floors, let your child participate in the process. Accidentally spilled water and the mess it can make shouldn't irritate you. After all, a small person learns the world! Only by touching the water with his hands can he know that it is wet and liquid.

When doing needlework, offer your child large buttons, boxes and boxes. By putting small items in boxes under the close supervision of the mother, the baby develops fine motor skills. One of the favorite exercises for children included in the programs of development centers: folding buttons of different sizes through the holes made in plastic boxes. The point is to teach your child to put small buttons in small holes and large buttons in large ones. The main thing is not to interfere with the baby's development and patiently follow all his actions.

Believe me, your love and patience will certainly bear fruit soon!
