Children are growing and their opportunities are increasing. From a certain age, children try to participate in all the affairs of their parents. They are carried away by household chores, which are new and extremely interesting to them. Over time, this interest fades away, being replaced by completely different ones. Numerous games, friends and communication come out on top.

And the question arises before the parents: is it necessary to insist on the child's household chores, or to give him complete freedom. If she does not want to help around the house, it is not necessary, the parents will cope themselves.
Household chores have a significant educational effect. They teach the child to take responsibility, discipline, and plan their own time. After all, if a child knows that his daily duty is to walk the dog at a certain time, then he needs to learn to plan his affairs and entertainment taking into account this circumstance. A complete lack of responsibility can lead to the development of laxity and a habit of relying on others.
However, you should be careful about assigning responsibilities for the child. They should be within his power. Do not cause violent disgust in the child - that is, you do not need to blame the child for the work that none of the adults wants to do. You should also not heap a bunch of different responsibilities at once on one child. The number of responsibilities should not grow faster than the child himself. He must definitely have time for games, entertainment, communication with parents and friends.
Household responsibilities should be clearly stated. It is impossible today to charge a child with one thing, and tomorrow to demand something else from him. Parents should be consistent and orderly in their requirements. Requirements must be made by both parents and are always the same. Well, do not forget that the best way to educate is your own example! Parents must do their own household duties at all times, regardless of mood and momentary desires. Only then can one demand the same from the child.