How To Teach A Child To Put Stress

How To Teach A Child To Put Stress
How To Teach A Child To Put Stress

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As soon as children go to first grade, they face many new interesting and difficult tasks. With some the child copes quickly, while others turn into a real problem. For example, it is very difficult for many children to correctly identify the stress in a word.

How to teach a child to put stress
How to teach a child to put stress

It is necessary

Zaitsev's cubes


Step 1

To explain to the child what a stressed syllable is, pronounce the words drawl, "call" the word. For example, ma-a-a-ama, Ta-a-a-anya, Mi-i-i-isha. At the same time, highlight the stressed syllable, you can even nod your head or sit down. Then show what will happen if you shift the stress: mom-ah-ah, Tanya-ah-ah-ah, Misha-ah-ah, so that the child feels the difference. Practice using words that are familiar to your child, for example, his name, pet name, etc.

Step 2

First, take simple words from two syllables and, together with your child, determine which syllable is stressed, the first or the second. For toddlers, just say the words; for older children, write the words on paper or chalkboard. When pronouncing words, tap the syllables, emphasizing the stressed syllable with a louder beat.

Step 3

Explain to your child that the word should not be divided into syllables to determine the stressed syllable. Ask him to pronounce the word, stretching the stressed syllable, but not separating it into parts. Explain to an older child that stress can only be on a vowel.

Step 4

If possible, use Zaitsev's cubes, which differ from ordinary cubes in that they contain not letters, but syllables. Fold a word from several syllables, ask the child to identify the stressed one and put a cube with a drawn stress mark on it. Of course, help your child at first, until he gains enough experience.

Step 5

Ask the child playful riddles, for example, who is a hippopotamus or what is a hammer, so that the child learns to "play" with stress. Through such fun training, the child gains the freedom to control sounds, which is very helpful in reading words and correctly identifying stress.
