The main concern of all mothers and their main worries are related to whether the development of a newborn child under one year old is proceeding correctly. These feelings are natural, but often lead to the fact that excessive excitement forces the parents to actively intervene in the development of the child, while creating a tense atmosphere of psychological pressure. Meanwhile, scientists have proven that a calm atmosphere in the family and the absence of coercion is already a guaranteed half of a child's success in development. The other half is mom's help. It is help, not forcing events.

Both scientists and educators argue that the child himself plays the biggest role in the development of a newborn. Immediately after birth, natural mechanisms are turned on in his body, aimed at cognizing the world. The mother's help should be not to interfere with the baby, to observe him and create a developing environment for him.
Developing environment for a child up to six months
Such an environment is called the living space of the child, equipped in such a way as to safely stimulate the development of the newborn. The baby knows mainly himself and what is close, his sensations are practically only visual and tactile. Therefore, it is important to ensure the presence of different textures around the child: flannel, paper, cotton, rubber and plastic.
At a month and a half, psychomotor processes start, at this time you need to take the child in your arms more often in order to increase his view. After two months, the child already needs to be helped to reach various objects. Do not serve him, but create conditions. Spread on the floor more often, spreading a soft cloth and spreading bright objects on it that the child can study. Necessarily objects, not toys!
Developing environment from six months to a year
Developmental delays can be caused by the constant stay of the child in a crib or playpen. At this age, the baby needs to crawl as much as possible. Being on the floor, he not only sits and crawls, but also learns to get up. To encourage these attempts, lay out various interesting objects on the couch so that the child can see you doing it. From the floor, the baby cannot see what is on the couch, and he will have to pull himself up, leaning on the couch.
At this age, the scattering of objects is also an indicator of the child's correct development. The need to throw and destroy at this age is extremely important for development, it needs to be encouraged: for example, letting the baby tear up the newspaper, scattering the tower of blocks built by his mother.
Particular attention should be paid to the favorite pastime of all children from six months to a year - poking your finger into buttons and holes. Bright books with holes, an old phone - everything that can satisfy such a need should be used, it will help the child develop fine motor skills of the fingers, which is very important for the development of intelligence.