How To Potty Train A One Year Old Child

How To Potty Train A One Year Old Child
How To Potty Train A One Year Old Child

Nowadays, when unattended washing machines, disposable diapers, dryers and comfortable plastic mattress covers are so common, some parents of young children do not make a problem at all from the fact that the child is not potty trained.

How to potty train a one year old child
How to potty train a one year old child

Parents try to teach some babies to do their things in the pot as early as possible - this, as a rule, in those cases when mothers want to get rid of the laundry as soon as possible and reduce the cost of diapers. A one-year-old child can already begin to potty train. But in the main, the development of this skill is postponed until a later time.

How to determine that it is time for a baby to be planted in a pot

The child is ready to potty only when he develops the necessary muscles. He must be able to walk and stand, sit on a low seat and stand up without help. It is advisable that the child's pants are such that he can take them off and put them on himself.

Babies acquire all these skills by about one and a half years of age. But you can start teaching your child earlier. For example, at a certain time to plant on a pot, teach to "ask" to go to the toilet. As a result of such actions, the number of used diapers may decrease, but parents should prepare for the fact that it will still be bad for the child to control himself, and not scold him for failures.

As the experience of many mums and dads shows, a rare child manages to be dry both at night and during the day until he is at least two and a half years old. But for most children, it may take even longer.

How to potty train

By the behavior of a one-year-old child, you can determine that it is time for him to go to the toilet. Children tense up, turn red, and may give other signs. At this time, you can take the child to the potty, help to sit down, and praise for the result.

In the warm season, it is necessary to use diapers as little as possible so that the child realizes what it is like to write without them. Most babies may not realize this at all if they are constantly kept in diapers from birth. Explain to the child what is happening to him, show how other people do it and what they use for this.

If it is clear from the behavior of the baby that he wants to use the toilet, he should be put on a potty. If nothing happened in a couple of minutes, let him get up. Planting on a pot is best done at a time when the probability of a successful attempt is greatest - for example, immediately after sleep, before bathing, before going to bed. When the baby himself asked to go to the toilet, be sure to praise him. You should not compare the results with those of the neighbors - children learn to potty at different times, and this is normal.

Some of the children almost immediately understand what is required of him, and begin to use the pot on their own. But there are those who can take a year or more to get used to the pot. Do not rush and strain the child: everything will work out in due time.
