How To Feed A One-year-old Child On A Train

How To Feed A One-year-old Child On A Train
How To Feed A One-year-old Child On A Train

Regardless of how long the upcoming journey by rail will take, the question of how to feed a small child on the way remains more than relevant. If you take care of them in advance, then difficulties will not arise.

How to feed a one-year-old child on a train
How to feed a one-year-old child on a train

Product selection

The best option for a one-year-old child is ready-made baby food, the range of which should be selected depending on his health condition and taste preferences. Among the products of numerous manufacturers, you can find everything you need to provide your child with a complete diet.

For example, a wide range of cereals, both dairy-free and formula-based, is offered by almost every manufacturer of baby food. All you need to breed them is boiling water. If you wish, you can also find soups adapted for baby food, which are bred according to the principle of porridge. If you take both with you, then already two full meals will be provided.

As a second course, you can choose both ready-made puree with meat, and pure vegetable puree and meat puree in the form of canned food for children. But such a diet is suitable only if the child normally treats vegetables from jars, since some of them outgrow them by the year and require more solid and tasty dishes in comparison with mashed zucchini in water. Fruit can be taken either in the form of the same puree or whole. By the age of one, children more than easily cope with a banana and happily nibble on apples or pears. Naturally, they must be thoroughly washed.

The number of jars depends on the time spent on the road, and is purchased by analogy with the number of meals that a child needs according to his age.

How to feed a child on a train: what is better to refuse

Even if at home a child happily eats food from the table of adults, on the train, only cookies or bread can become such. Boiled chicken, eggs or potatoes, as well as any ready-made dish, can deteriorate quite quickly, and where the adult body digests them easily, the child can react with a stool disorder (and this is at best) within a few hours after consumption.

Foods that cannot be stored without a certain temperature regime can be given to the child during the first few hours of the journey. You cannot leave cottage cheese, children's kefir or other similar dishes the next day.

What else to keep in mind

When thinking about how to feed a one-year-old child on a train, you should also remember about liquid. Even if the baby is breastfed, water is required to dilute cereals, and it is better to take bottled water. You can warm it up at the guides, they usually do not refuse this service to families with small children. It is not necessary to boil bottled water.
