What Can Dad Play With His 6-year-old Daughter

What Can Dad Play With His 6-year-old Daughter
What Can Dad Play With His 6-year-old Daughter

Dads can play with their 6-year-old daughter only if they know how to do it. Games at this age can be divided into three groups: for the development of logic and attention, for the development of creativity and imagination, active outdoor games.

What can dad play with his 6-year-old daughter
What can dad play with his 6-year-old daughter

Development of logic and attention

At the age of six, you can already develop logic and attention without spending a lot of money. For example, Dad can use Kinder Surprise figures. They need to be built in a row and invite the child to look at them carefully. Then he needs to turn away, and dad at this time must remove one of the toys. The child's task is to guess the toy that is missing. During memory training, the game can be made more difficult, for example, by rearranging the toys in places. At the very beginning, it is better to use five toys, but over time it is worth bringing the game to the use of twenty objects, especially if the child easily copes with the task assigned to him.

Dad, most likely, will easily remember the game "tic-tac-toe", which can be done with children. This game is very simple, however, it can develop a child's memory and thinking.

It is useful to play mazes where the child must find the right path. But in this case, he needs to find the right answer himself, dad should not be led along the right path with a pen or finger, otherwise there will be much less benefit.

Development of creativity and imagination

Creativity and imagination are very important qualities that will be useful in the future and will contribute to the identification of new abilities of the child. One of the options for how dads can help their child with this is based on the use of various objects. It's simple: dad asks his child a simple object, for example, an elastic band, and gives him the task of coming up with ways to use this object, excluding its direct purpose. This is a real freedom for imagination!

Another interesting game is to paint the picture. The dad should offer the child an image of an unfinished object. First you need to ask him to name what kind of object it is, after which he can imagine his image, finish the picture and color it.

You can use different word games. The task is to convey the meaning of the word in a variety of ways, for example, pantomime, verbal description, drawing, and so on. You can come up with cards with tasks, which will make the game even more interesting. These games will help develop creativity and extraordinary thinking. In addition, it will teach the child to find unexpected solutions and develop vocabulary. If dad wants, you can always play with dolls or even cars.

Active, fun games

For that category of fathers who do not have such a quality as perseverance, there is a whole group of mobile, active and fun games. This can be hide and seek, catch-up (if the weather or the scale of the dwelling permits), football, or just playing with a ball. You can launch boats or a kite with the baby, you can arrange a real show of soap bubbles, in the winter - fashion a snowman, in the summer - to build a sand castle. At home, there is also something to do - to assemble the most difficult puzzle or constructor, learn to sculpt from salt dough, or even make the most real soap with your own hands! In other words, you can play a variety of games with your 6-year-old daughter, the main thing is the desire of the father.
