Young children are usually shaved at the age of one, when the fontanelle is already overgrown. It is believed that after shaving off the "fluff" on the head, hair grows better. This is a rather controversial statement, but if you do decide to shave, do it very carefully.

Step 1
Trim your baby with a clipper. Try to seat the child so that the child does not turn. A sleeping baby, of course, will be problematic to shave due to the fact that the machine will make a lot of noise. You can turn on calm music or a fairy tale for him to slightly move the vector of attention from the haircut. It is not safe to shave a child with a razor, as it can damage the scalp, which is very thin in the child, and the hair follicles too. After the haircut, treat the baby's head with a colorless antiseptic or burdock oil.
Step 2
Go to the hairdresser. It's easier to trust a professional to shave. But since this is still a small child, it is advisable to give him into the hands of a familiar hairdresser. Or, at least, experienced, since there are such "masters" who can scratch their head several times in one haircut. It is unlikely that you want your baby to do this. So talk to your hairdresser first. Ask if he has experience with haircuts for children and how he did it.
Step 3
Think again, how much should you shave your baby? If you want to shave your child, because it is hot outside and the skin under the hair is melting, then you should think about a haircut. You can also shave if it is dictated by the cultural traditions of the place where you live. However, if your only argument in favor of shaving is “hair grows better after a haircut,” then this venture is best abandoned. Scientists have established for a long time that the density and color of hair depends on the genetic disposition of the child. Hair follicles are formed during pregnancy while still in the womb, so it is naive to think that you will only help your child to acquire luxurious thick hair by shaving him. In addition, a haircut at a young age can scare the baby, and with any next haircuts, he will be afraid and cry.