The most important holiday of the year for any child is his own birthday. Of course, every parent wants to please their child, to make this day unforgettable. Of course, you can use methods that are time-tested - to celebrate at home or in a cafe, but you can also celebrate a child's birthday in a more non-standard way.

The water park is a place that every child loves. It has everything that the kid loves so much - water and slides. Parents will need to gather a company of children and be sure to instruct them about safety. As a rule, animators work in water parks who will help you arrange water contests. There is no headache related to cooking, since you can always eat in a cafe on the territory of the water park.
A child's birthday in summer is, first of all, good weather, which will allow you to organize an outdoor party. You can safely go all together to the cottage, recreation center or just to the forest edge. The main thing is to think over the plot of the holiday. Perhaps you will act out a whole scene with other children in honor of the birthday boy. You can think of a number of quests. For example, initially gather the entire crowd at home and read the message that came on behalf of the king. This message may say that his only daughter is held captive by an evil Baba Yaga or a dragon. Children must definitely save her. Then the whole crowd go to the planned place and hold contests that will help free the king's beloved daughter.
The birthday of a child of 10 years old can take place in a bowling alley. By choosing this option, parents will free themselves from festive table puzzles and fun contests. To prevent children from getting bored in bowling, take care of the animator in advance.
The birthday of a child 5 years old can be organized in the children's club, under the supervision of an animator and teacher. The kid will ride down slides, swim in a pool of balls and jump on trampolines. After the kids club, you can go with the whole crowd to eat a birthday cake.
Dear parents, take your time and energy to organize a children's party. Remember, the best memories are childhood memories.