Many of us do not perceive the common cold as a disease. Meanwhile, it affects our well-being, not only depriving us of our sense of smell, but also hindering the flow of oxygen into the body. A runny nose is especially difficult for young children. How to deal with it?

Step 1
Treatment of a child for a cold should be started immediately with the onset of the first symptoms. If this is done quickly and adequately, then you can stop a runny nose at the initial stage and get by with two or three days of illness instead of the usual seven.
Step 2
As a rule, the first symptom of an impending runny nose is increased sneezing. It indicates a violation of the normal state of the nasal mucosa and increased sensitivity to allergens, dust, microbes. During this period, you should begin to irrigate the nasal mucosa with preparations made using sea water, which cleanse the nose well. For example, it can be Aqua Maris, Marimer or Aqualor. When using them, pay attention to the method of application. For children under one year old, these are usually drops, after a year you can use a spray.
Step 3
If it was not possible to stop the runny nose at the initial stage, and serous discharge similar to transparent water appeared from the nose, drugs that strengthen local immunity can be used as a treatment.
Step 4
In the form of drops, it is better to use human interferon at a dosage of 0.25 ml in each nostril 2 times a day. A very good result is shown by IRS-19 in the form of a spray, one injection into each nostril also 2 times a day.
Step 5
Before using such drugs, it is imperative to rinse the nose with saline solutions and cleanse all contents using various aspirators. Some mothers use a rubber bulb for this, but special nozzle pumps of course help to clear the nose as completely as possible.
Step 6
Use of vasoconstrictor drugs such as: Nazivin, Nazol, Pinosol should be very careful, preferably once at night, as they quickly addictive to them in the nasal mucosa.
Step 7
Against the background of the use of these drugs, it is desirable to use fortifying agents on herbs that enhance immunity. It can be Aflubin or Immunal. Such funds should be used for at least a week for the onset of a pronounced therapeutic effect.
Step 8
Will the child's treatment be most complete if, in addition, a special patch with essential oils is used to improve nasal breathing, attaching it at night, for example, to the chest? child.