Scabies in children is a contagious skin disease. The disease is caused by scabies mites, which can be located both on the surface of the skin and inside it.

It should be noted that only female ticks cause harm and lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, since males die almost immediately after fertilization. The laid eggs develop within 2-3 weeks, and the average life span is about 2 months. Larvae and adults do not withstand high temperatures and exposure to steam, therefore, when boiled and ironed with an iron, they instantly die. There is a whole list of agents that also have a detrimental effect on the vital activity of parasites: carbolic acid, some types of essential oils, sulfur dioxide, creolin, xylene, etc.
The latent or incubation period of scabies is from 1 to 6 weeks, depending on the area of the lesion and the number of mites on the skin. After that, the injured person feels severe itching (especially at night), various rashes appear on the skin, bloody crusts form, and itch moves can be traced. Scratching and damaging one area of the skin inadvertently increases the area of the lesion by spreading the infection.
As a rule, scabies in children affects the lateral surfaces of the fingers, hands, elbow joint, ankles, and feet. In very young children, the head, face, neck can be affected. In principle, rashes can be localized on almost any part of the baby's body. Due to frequent skin irritation in infants (prickly heat, diathesis), the initial stage of scabies is not immediately recognized, which complicates the further treatment process.
In order for scabies in children to cease to be an annoying problem and no longer darken the life of the child and his parents, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. Typically, it involves the use of topical anti-scabs and hygiene requirements.
The use of a 10% benzyl benzoate emulsion is also effective. 200 ml of benzyl benzoate requires 780 ml of boiled water and 20 g of green soap (for children, dilute in half with water). The suspension can be stored for no more than a week in a dark place. Shake well before use and rub into baby's skin for 10 minutes.
Used as a treatment and ointments, which include tar or sulfur. The product is also rubbed into the skin of the child (preferably at night), the next day you need to wash the body with soap.
Demyanov's method involves the use of a hyposulfite solution (30-40%) and a hydrochloric acid solution (3-4%). First you need to rub in hyposulfite, and after 10 minutes use hydrochloric acid. But delicate baby skin does not require strong rubbing, which can lead to irritation. If severe itching and burning from the drug appear, then its use should be discontinued and the skin restored with zinc ointment and restorative therapy.
It should be noted that all family members who were in direct contact with the child should undergo treatment, since scabies in children is very contagious and can manifest itself a little later. It is also advisable to boil or freeze all personal items, toys, clothes.
To prevent an allergic reaction from various drugs, experts prescribe antihistamines and hyposensitizing agents. Doctors recommend wearing mittens when treating an infant so that he does not have the opportunity to spread the infection over the entire area of his body. Also, the drugs used will not get into the baby's eyes or mouth.
It is advisable, in addition to the main treatment, to introduce biologically active additives, with the help of which the immune defense of the child's body is strengthened. In addition, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not hesitate to consult a doctor at the first suspicion of this unpleasant disease.