The scabies mite is easily transmitted through household items, so infection with scabies in children's groups occurs, although not often, but rather quickly. But how to timely identify, cure and then prevent this contagious disease? This question interests all parents.

Step 1
Examine your baby's skin regularly, as scabies can appear after one to two months after infection. And if on the child's skin there are traces resembling gray scratches, with dotted moves and the baby is constantly combing them (especially at night - the period of activity of the itch mite), consult a doctor - a pediatric dermatologist - to establish an accurate diagnosis.
Step 2
Be persistent in conducting laboratory diagnostics, provided that the doctor made a different diagnosis only by external examination. This is important for proper treatment, since in young children, scabies often appear under the guise of allergies, dermatitis and eczema.
Step 3
Isolate your child from others when confirming a diagnosis of scabies. This will prevent both his re-infection and the infection of the children around him.
Step 4
Use insecticidal (antiparasitic) agents only as directed by a doctor, since drugs may have contraindications, and the dosage and course of treatment often depend on the child's age.
Step 5
For the treatment of scabies in children, a 10% suspension of benzyl benzoate is prescribed (apply an even layer on clean skin on the 1st and 4th day of treatment). After rubbing the drug into the skin, put clean clothes on the child. Two days after the second rubbing of the suspension, bathe the baby and change again.
Step 6
Also for the treatment of scabies used aerosol - "Spregal". It is intended for one-time processing of leather. Spray it over the entire surface of the skin, except for the face and head, at a distance of 20-30 cm. When treating the skin, cover the baby's eyes and mouth with a damp cloth. 12 hours after the application of the drug, i.e. in the morning, wash the baby thoroughly with soap.
Step 7
No less common is the use of Medifox for the treatment of scabies. Before use, dilute 1/3 of the bottle with 100 ml of boiled water (22 ° C) and lubricate the baby's skin overnight for three days in a row. On the fourth day, bathe your baby and put clean clothes on.
Step 8
Treatment of scabies in children is also carried out with 10% sulfuric ointment. For a week at night, lubricate the entire surface of the skin with sulfuric ointment, except for the face and head. At the end of the treatment, bathe your baby and change his underwear and bedding.
Step 9
After the end of treatment for scabies, make a second diagnosis to exclude or confirm the need for a second course of treatment.
Step 10
For the period of treatment, treat the room and objects located in it with detergents. Change the bed linen at the beginning and at the end of the treatment, and soak the old one in detergent, boil, wash and dry in the sun. Items that cannot be boiled (soft toys, blankets, woolen products, etc.) should be placed in the sun for a week, for example, on a balcony, or put in a hermetically sealed plastic bag for 3 days.