All children love to sculpt various figures of animals, fairy-tale characters from plasticine. Modeling develops the child's spatial thinking and gives an idea of the shape of objects. In addition, it contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Choose good quality plasticine for training with your child. It is difficult to sculpt from too soft plasticine. Hard plasticine is hard for children to knead with their hands. Do not give small children plasticine with fruity smells, so that they do not have a desire to try it.

It is necessary
plasticine, paper
Step 1
Start sculpting from plasticine with a child when he is one and a half or two years old.
Step 2
When starting sculpting, first teach your child how to pinch off pieces of plasticine correctly.
Step 3
Show him how you can flatten the clay with your palm and poke your finger into the layer.
Step 4
Now it's the turn to roll the sausages - on the surface of the table and between the palms.
Step 5
Roll large balls with your palms.
Step 6
Strengthen the baby's skills and improve the technique of working with plasticine.
Step 7
Lessons with color. Invite your child to choose a specific color from the two suggested.
Step 8
After choosing a color, start kneading a piece of plasticine. Give your child the opportunity to stretch their bar. Next, start sculpting.
Step 9
In the first lessons, perform simple manipulations - pinching, balls, sausages to interest the baby.
Step 10
In subsequent sessions, complicate the tasks. Stick the pieces of plasticine onto the cardboard with your child.
Step 11
To make it more interesting for the baby, draw a Christmas tree on cardboard and decorate it with plasticine balls.
Step 12
Roll the sausage and show your child how to roll it into a ring.
Step 13
It is very interesting for children to make prints on plasticine. On a rolled cake, make an imprint of his pen, toy, and any object.
Step 14
Give the child plastic dishes, he will try to stick around the container with plasticine balls. Decorate with beads or other material. An interesting vase will turn out.
Step 15
In classes with plasticine, you can use other material that you can always find at home: pasta, buttons, beans, etc.
Step 16
When working with small objects, make sure that the child does not take them in his mouth.
Step 17
Your plasticine sculpting does not have to be tiring for your little one.
Step 18
Select a small corner where you can fold your child's handicrafts.
Step 19
Older children need a separate shelf in which they can store their work. The child will be happy to show his works to friends and relatives.