The body of an eight-year-old child is still quite fragile. At this age, he can withstand heavy loads at school. Therefore, he gets tired quickly. If you organize his day correctly, the baby will get sick less, learn and develop better. In addition, it is during this period that the willpower of a person is actively formed. And the daily routine helps to develop it.

How to create a daily routine for your child
When drawing up a daily routine, it is necessary to take into account such important points as the age of the child, which corresponds to the first or second grade of primary school; remoteness of the school from home; employment of a student in circles; individual health characteristics; season. It is important to correctly distribute rest and activity in such a way as not to overwork the offspring.
It is important to know that immediately after school, the kid needs to rest before he starts doing his homework. Recreation can be in the form of visiting circles, sections of interest or walking in the fresh air. In any case, lessons should be started no earlier than 3-4 hours after school. Sometimes a child in lower grades still needs an afternoon nap for 1-2 hours. This is especially true for sickly children.
It is useful for the younger student to eat at a certain time at least 5 times a day. This is breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and a light snack an hour before bedtime. The benefit of a meal regimen is that a person produces gastric juice at the same hours. This improves the appetite and the digestion of food by the stomach. In general, this has a beneficial effect on the well-being and health of the baby's digestive organs.
Experts have found that a child of 8-9 years old should sleep at least 11 hours. That is why it is important to pay attention to ensuring that he goes to bed on time. At the same time, it is better if, 2 hours before bedtime, he stays on the street or plays quiet games. Every night hygiene procedures - brushing your teeth, a warm shower set you up for a restful sleep. After a healthy night's rest, it will be easy for the child to get up in the morning.
Physical Education
In the morning, you need to teach the student to do exercises. Ideally, if these are exercises compiled for him for all the muscles of the body. Exercise improves blood circulation in the body, helps the little person feel healthy, vigorous and cheerful.
A child of 8-9 years old needs to move a lot for proper growth and development. Therefore, he is recommended to visit the sports section or regularly play outdoor games with peers, skate, bike, skate, etc.
Teachers have long proven that work disciplines a person, develops his willpower. As a result, it is desirable that each student have their own small household chores, not to mention the developed skills of self-care: making the bed; cleaning toys, working space on the table, washing dishes after yourself.
A student of the first grades should do homework no more than 1-1.5 hours. It is necessary to teach the kid to immediately lay out textbooks and notebooks on the table the next day. And start lessons, starting with difficult subjects, and ending with easy and interesting subjects. At the same time, as you complete the lessons, you should immediately put the textbooks into the portfolio.
Free time baby
In his free time, the child can be busy in hobby groups, useful activities, sports, games, creativity, reading. But we must also leave absolutely free time from everything for thinking and "doing nothing" when the baby just wants to be alone with himself. Psychologists have proven that this is necessary for its proper development. A child can spend no more than 40-60 minutes at a computer or watching TV so that vision and posture do not deteriorate.