Child's Day Regimen From 0 To 3 Months

Child's Day Regimen From 0 To 3 Months
Child's Day Regimen From 0 To 3 Months

Newborn babies require special care. They are practically helpless, they need attention twenty-four hours a day. At first, mothers have a very hard time, so it is better to immediately start accustoming the baby to a certain regimen.

Child's day regimen from 0 to 3 months
Child's day regimen from 0 to 3 months

How to make a daily routine for a baby from zero to three months

Newborn babies have one task - to eat well and grow. It is feeding that should be taken as the basis of the daily regimen. Breastfed babies are somewhat more difficult. Mom cannot know exactly how much milk the baby has drunk and when he will want to eat next time. Therefore, mothers often practice feeding "on demand", but in this case it is rather difficult to establish a regime. However, you can try keeping a feed diary by weighing the baby every time before and after it is attached to the breast. With the help of electronic scales, it will be possible to find out how much milk has been drunk. Correlating these data, the mother will understand when the baby drinks more, when less. And he will learn to calculate the time intervals between sleep and food. This will lay the foundation for drawing up a daily routine.

It is easier for children who are bottle-fed to enter the regimen. By the amount of the mixture remaining in the bottle, you can immediately see whether the baby is full or not. And after what time he wants to eat again. Although some pediatricians recommend adhering to a feeding schedule, observing certain intervals. And between them, add water to the baby. What to do in each case can only be found out empirically. You should not blindly follow the advice of doctors, especially since their opinions are often opposite. It is important to observe the behavior of the child and listen to your own feelings. Only then can we build the most comfortable regime for the mother and the newborn.

Daily routine - what is included besides sleeping and feeding

In addition to sleeping and feeding, daily bathing, massage, exercises to eliminate colic, and a walk should be added to the newborn's day regimen. The approximate day of mother and baby in the first month of life looks like this:

07-00 - lifting and feeding the baby;

07-20 - washing the baby, changing the diaper, carrying out hygiene procedures - lubricating the skin with cream or using powder;

08-40 - feeding;

09-00 - sleep;

11-00 - feeding;

11-20 - hygiene procedures, diaper change;

11-30 - walk;

13-00 - returning home, feeding, sleeping;

15-00 - feeding;

15-20 - gymnastics to eliminate colic;

15-30 - hygiene procedures;

15-40 - walk;

17-00 - returning home, feeding, sleeping;

19-00 - feeding;

20-00 - massage;

20-30 - bathing, hygiene procedures;

22-00 - sleep;

00-00 - feeding;

00-20 - sleep;

04-00 - feeding;

04-20 - sleep.

Of course, the kid will make his own adjustments to this schedule. But the approximate daily routine is clear, and you can try to adapt to it. As you get older, the number of hours of sleep per day will decrease, as will the number of feedings with successive increases in portions. By the age of three months, the baby most often sleeps two or three times a day, eats less and is awake more time. He begins to recognize his parents, smile, pronounce the first sounds. For the mother, the most interesting time begins, she sees the baby's reaction to her own actions, learns to find contact with the child and every day she loves and understands him more and more.
