Daily Regimen And Nutrition Of The Child At 3 Months

Daily Regimen And Nutrition Of The Child At 3 Months
Daily Regimen And Nutrition Of The Child At 3 Months

Children's age of 3 months is a period after which the baby is no longer considered a newborn, he is actively growing and begins to master the world around him. During this period, it is necessary to change the daily routine and diet.

Daily regimen and nutrition of the child at 3 months
Daily regimen and nutrition of the child at 3 months

The first time after birth, the child slept and ate almost all the time, then by three months he begins to form and manifest himself. At this age, he begins to be interested in the world around him.


At 3 months, the child is more and more awake, and sleep ceases to be the main form of the baby's pastime. The longest sleep is at night, the baby wakes up only to eat, and during the day the child sleeps 3-4 times for 2-3 hours. If the weather and season permits, you need to walk outside with your child as long as possible. The deepest sleep is in the fresh air, and if the walk falls on the waking period, this is an excellent opportunity to learn about the world around you.

Every day, preferably in the morning, the child is given hygiene procedures so that he gets used to it from birth. Wash your face with water, clean your eyes and nose, wash after removing the diaper. You need to wash your baby throughout the day, after he goes to the toilet. In the evening, an obligatory procedure is a big bath before going to bed. If you add a decoction of chamomile or string to the water, this will help moisturize the skin of the crumbs and prevent diaper rash. A child at 3 months does not need any special products and shampoos yet.


As for nutrition, it is best if at this age the baby continues to eat only breast milk. It is also an excellent source of fluid, so the baby does not need additional water.

To find out if your baby is getting enough milk, you need to keep track of how long it takes between meals. With a normal diet, the break will be 3-4 hours, and after feeding, milk may remain in the mother's breast. If the breast remains empty and the baby begins to show signs of hunger earlier than 3 hours later, then most likely he does not have enough milk.

The daily norm of food that a baby at this age can consume is approximately 800-1000 ml of milk. If the child eats artificial mixtures, then he will eat them a little less and, perhaps, a little less often.

Developmental physiology

3 months is the age of the baby, when it is already possible and necessary to work with him, play, form his first skills. During this period, the senses are actively working, and the baby learns to distinguish between them. The eye muscles become stronger, and the child's gaze is already focused on an object. Hearing becomes clearer, and the baby begins to recognize the voice of the mother. The grasping reflex not only allows you to hold any object in the handle, but from this age the child begins to pull this object into his mouth in order to study it tactilely.

3 months is an important period of growing up and the first steps in the formation of a small personality, but there are still many interesting stages ahead of parents.
