Why You Need To Observe The Daily Regimen

Why You Need To Observe The Daily Regimen
Why You Need To Observe The Daily Regimen

The daily routine is necessary for both children and adults - its significance is so great. Indeed, at different times of the day, a person has a different level of activity and needs of the body. In order to have a harmonious day, you must adhere to a certain routine.

Why you need to observe the daily regimen
Why you need to observe the daily regimen

A child's daily routine is necessary for his full development. Make it up taking into account the age of the baby. The daily regimen helps to improve health, good rest, and the necessary physical activity. Scientists estimate that the highest peak of physical activity occurs in the morning. This means that it is in the morning hours that sports, studies and developmental techniques are best given. And in order to have time for all this, the child must get up no later than 8 o'clock in the morning (if he does not go to school or kindergarten yet). If children are put to bed later than nine in the evening, then they will get up later. At the same time, the baby will experience lethargy and a feeling of fatigue from the very morning. Therefore, the most important thing in the daily routine is the time for sleep, which should not be neglected in childhood. Our digestive system also works in a certain rhythm. Therefore, during the day, the load on it must be distributed correctly. And this can be done only by allotting certain hours to nutrition. In the morning, when the body is still waking up, it needs to be given a number of essential nutrients. But dense, heavy food is still poorly absorbed. The baby's breakfast should be at 7-8 am. If the child has eaten badly, then it is better to arrange a second breakfast at 10-11 o'clock. By lunchtime, the need for nutrients increases. Moreover, if this was preceded by a walk in the fresh air, outdoor games, activities. In a well-designed daily routine, one activity complements the other. The period of activity is followed by rest and change of activity. This allows you to distribute the load on the child's body evenly throughout the day. If the day is chaotic, as a rule, by the evening the child gets tired - hence the vagaries and problems with sleep. For parents, a clear daily routine of their child is sometimes the only opportunity to go about their business. By the way, if a child goes to kindergarten, then on weekends or vacations it is necessary to adhere to the established rules. Of course, some indulgences are permissible, taking into account the plans of the family.
