The Daily Routine And Nutrition Of The Child At 11 Months

The Daily Routine And Nutrition Of The Child At 11 Months
The Daily Routine And Nutrition Of The Child At 11 Months

A child who has only one month left before reaching the first year is a man who is already independent enough to demonstrate his taste preferences and preferences to his parents, but for harmonious development he still needs a daily regimen and healthy nutrition, which are not difficult to organize. …

The daily routine and nutrition of the child at 11 months
The daily routine and nutrition of the child at 11 months

Child's day regimen at 11 months

Usually, by this time, parents know what time the child goes to bed, how he sleeps and when he wakes up, since this is largely due not only to family habits, but also to the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, the temporal norms of sleep are becoming more and more conditional. Nighttime can have a duration of both 9 hours and 11, and it all depends on the child. The duration of daytime dreams also varies, but in general they are usually 2-3 hours. The child should be outdoors as much as possible, but this does not mean that one should sacrifice full meals or bedtime in favor of walking. The importance of the regime for the child lies precisely in its immutability, since knowing the next step allows you to avoid overexcitation and scandals.


The diet of the child at 11 months remains similar to the previous age periods, that is, the child receives food 5 times every 4 hours, with the exception of the night period. Although if the baby is breastfed and receives breast on demand, then often there is no difference between the times of wakefulness and sleep in terms of nutrition, and the number of attachments at night can be even greater than during the day. During the day, the child should receive a full breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The fifth meal is the last night feeding in the form of a portion of milk, kefir or mixture.

How to feed a baby at 11 months

This is also directly related to the child's taste preferences, the type of feeding and the number of teeth. Some babies prefer breast milk to all other foods for up to a year, especially if the chewing teeth have not yet appeared. If there are no health problems and weight gain, then this behavior is one of the options for the norm and should not cause panic in parents. For those who do not have problems with appetite, the diet becomes more than varied and is fully similar to the menu of a one-year-old child, as it includes a full line of meat and dairy products, equal cereals, vegetables and fruits, if the child does not have allergies for specific products. The cooking method remains dietary, it is advisable not to add salt and sugar additionally. Daily in the diet should be present:

- meat;

- a portion of fruits and vegetables, it is advisable to give the latter even twice;

- milk, kefir, yogurt;

- a dish of cereals.

Cottage cheese is served several times a week, fish at least once. This allows you to make the menu more than varied, alternating between different products and recipes with their participation. The diet is adjusted taking into account the individual health status of the child, his constitution and the opinion of the supervising pediatrician.
