It is common for parents to worry about their child, especially if he is the first. They are interested in a wide variety of issues, from those related to the safety of the baby to those related to health and development.

It's nice when the baby is ahead of his peers in some way, but you shouldn't be too zealous and push development.
For example, a skill such as sitting is often tried to be taught to a child early. Basically, these attempts are inspired by conversations with relatives or friends, stories about the successes of other children, who supposedly know how to “sit in pillows” at a very early age. But, firstly, sitting in pillows and on a hard surface is far from the same thing, the position of the body and the load on the spine are different. Secondly, your child and your neighbor have different developmental conditions, and you should not compare them.
Why You Shouldn't Train Your Child To Sit Too Early
Parents are advised in no case to rush to sit down the child, but some still embark on experiments. These actions are at least irresponsible: the baby's muscular and skeletal systems must be properly prepared and strengthened.
It is very important that the baby tries to sit down himself, and does not obey the insistence of his parents. A child's skeleton, which is not sufficiently strong for such loads, may not withstand them.
Early sitting leads to the formation of disorders of the joints of the spine - at school age, problems are possible, the appearance of lordosis, scoliosis.
The most useful thing parents can do is to gently, without coercion, prepare the child for the transition to a sitting position. Doing some simple gymnastics helps to strengthen your muscles and prepare you for sitting.
1. An adult stretches out his hands to the baby, encouraging him to grab them. When this happens, hands should be gently pulled towards you.
2. Carefully perform inclinations with the child.
3. Conducting regular massage sessions.
How many months can a boy be seated
Most pediatricians are of the opinion that boys and girls can be seated on a hard surface for the first time at different ages. Girls are recommended to be planted no earlier than seven to eight months, but boys can be seated starting from five months of age. Like all norms, doctors' advice is rather arbitrary. Healthy children, whose development occurs without any deviations, can sit down on their own at about six months of age.
But each baby develops according to its own "norms". When he begins to try to sit up, this is evidence that the spine can cope with such loads.
If the child is not strong enough to sit down, then with any attempts to bend on his own in the belt, he will simply fall on his side.
If a boy is 5-6 months old, he is already able to keep his back straight for a while. Now you can start planting it not only in pillows, but also on a flat surface. The duration of sitting will gradually increase, and very soon the child will move on to the next stage of development - crawling.