Can it be troubling if a baby hasn't learned to sit up on its own at 8 months? Should you sit him down if he still can't keep his back straight on his own? The development of each child is individual, and only the fears of the doctor should be worried.

How does a child learn to sit down on their own
By the age of seven to eight months of the first year of life, the baby makes the first attempts to sit down on his own. This is easy to see from the fact that he strains his abs while trying to raise his head.
In no case should a child be forced to sit, this can harm his health.
Children at this age reach for the toys hanging over their heads, grabbing their mother's fingers tightly, pulling their back from the crib. Having learned to deftly roll over, children begin to master a new way of observing: they want to see everything, raising not only their heads, but also their backs. Some babies try to sit up on their own at six months, many learn this skill by eight months. Depending on the temperament of the child, his activity during the day and the desire to learn to sit faster will differ.
How to help your child to sit up
Play with your baby, roll him on the floor. Do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and back every day. Show your child how to sit. Help the baby to roll over on his stomach, then pull his legs up to his stomach, forcing the baby to get on all fours, from this position it is worth making another effort - to roll over and sit on the ass. Playing on the floor allows a child to explore more territory than lying in a crib.
Show your child how to sit properly. If the kid is ready to master this skill, one or two shows will be enough for him.
The floor, on which a cozy rug is laid, will be an ideal training ground for gymnastics, massage and training to develop a new skill - independent sitting. Gymnastics and massage should be performed if the baby is tuned in to it: he has slept, is fed and healthy. You can start with a massage, then move on to exercise. Back massage should be carried out, laying the baby on the tummy, start gently rubbing with the palm side of your palm from the base of the neck along the entire length of the back.
After that, carefully remember the muscles of the neck and further along the spine. Finish the massage with stroking. As an exercise, take your baby by the arms and pull gently towards you. The main thing is not to overdo it, everything should be done gradually. Other exercises are perfect for shaping posture - various coups, inclinations. Take care of your child's health and do not rush new events in his life!