Parents want everything to be in order with their baby, so that he grows up healthy, develops well. That is why mom and dad often lose their peace if it seems to them that something is wrong with the child. For example, a neighbor's baby is two weeks younger, so he already sits confidently, and his own offspring has not even tried to sit down.

Step 1
Stop worrying and winding yourself up. Understand that if the child of the neighbors is already sitting, and yours is not yet, this does not mean anything at all. Each baby is individual, there are no binding general standards regarding the timing of the development of children. Time shifts in one direction or another are quite acceptable.
Step 2
Of course, it doesn't hurt to show your baby to an experienced pediatrician for comfort. But, most likely, you just need to wait until the child is ripe for such attempts. It depends on many reasons: age, weight, temperament, the degree of development of different muscle groups. From the desire of the baby himself, finally.
Step 3
In some cases, children try to sit down, first turning over on their stomachs, and then getting on all fours. But it happens that a baby with a sufficiently developed abdominal press makes attempts to net from a supine position. Here it really is: how comfortable and easier it is for him. As a rule, kids sit down faster if they have support: a side of a crib or a stroller, for example.
Step 4
You can help your child by holding the handles. So far, he has poor coordination of movements and not a strong back to keep him in a sitting position for a long time. Therefore, it is better to put a support under the back and sides: a blanket rolled in several layers, a pillow, etc. Secure your baby so that he does not fall face forward and get hurt. After all, then from pain and fright, he can stop trying to sit down for a long time.
Step 5
At first, the baby is able to sit in a sitting position for only a few minutes. But little by little, when the back muscles get stronger, this time will begin to increase. Help to strengthen the muscles in every possible way: massage the baby's back, stimulate his attempts to reach out to some object, leading them in front of his eyes from side to side. In a word, you will not have time to look back, as your child begins to sit confidently. And the recent worries will seem ridiculous and far-fetched.