How To Find Out If The Weight And Height Of A Child Under One Year Old Is Normal

How To Find Out If The Weight And Height Of A Child Under One Year Old Is Normal
How To Find Out If The Weight And Height Of A Child Under One Year Old Is Normal

The very first thing people learn about their newborn baby is gender, weight and height. These physical characteristics are very important, first of all, for understanding the correctness and timeliness of the baby's development.

How to find out if the weight and height of a child under one year old is normal
How to find out if the weight and height of a child under one year old is normal

For a newborn baby, they are considered the norm: growth rates - from 45 to 51 cm, and weight - from 2550 to 4000 g. An important fact is the ratio of these values, called the Quetelet index. This index shows whether the baby received enough nutrition during the period of its intrauterine life. The norm is the value of this indicator from 60 to 70. The Quetelet index is considered correct only for those babies who are born on time.

When a child is born, doctors also measure the circumference of his head. On average, it should be 33 - 36 cm.

For a child who has just been born, the following values are characteristic: height - from 45 to 51 cm, weight - from 2.6 to 3.5 kg. The baby already has the following reflexes: sucking, swallowing, grasping reflex and blinking.

The child of the very first month of life has: height - 52 - 55 cm, weight - 4, 2 - 4, 4 kg. The baby is able to hold his head, while looking up, and shows attempts to raise it while lying on his tummy. His reaction to very loud sounds and sudden movements is already noticeable.

In a two-month-old child: height - 55 - 58 cm, weight - 5 - 5, 3 kg. He lifts and holds the head well for 1 - 1, 5 minutes. Turns it towards the noise. The kid firmly holds and grabs objects with his palm.

Three months after birth: height - 59 - 61 cm, weight - 6, 0 - 6, 3 kg. The child can easily hold the head for 4 to 7 minutes. In the prone position, it rises slightly, leaning on the elbows.

Four-month-old child: height - 61 - 64 cm, weight - 6, 4 - 6, 9 kg. Lying on his back, the child can occasionally raise his head and freely roll over from his back to his stomach. With great pleasure, the baby plays with various toys hanging over the crib, feels them and pulls them to his mouth.

Five months: height - 63 - 68 cm, weight - 7, 4 - 7, 8 kg. The child can already sit down, but is not yet able to hold his back without support. Already knows the voice of mom.

Six months: height - 65 - 70 cm, weight - 7, 7 - 8, 0 kg. The child independently sits down without support and freely rolls over from the back onto his tummy, tries to crawl and pronounce the first syllables.

Seven months: height -67 - 71 cm, weight - 8, 2 - 8, 9 kg. The child already knows how to crawl on all fours. With the support of the hands, stands and actively steps over the legs.

Eight months: height - 70, 1 - 72 cm, weight - 8, 4 - 9, 6 kg. The baby gets up on his own, sits down, holding on to the crib, trying to walk.

Nine months: height - 72 - 7.3 cm, weight - 9, 2 - 9, 9 kg. The child walks, while holding onto the support, can fulfill the simplest requests, responds to his own name.

Ten months: height - 72 - 74 cm, weight - 9, 6 - 10, 4 kg. The kid knows how to walk, holding a hand, can perform complex movements, begins to pronounce words.

Eleven months: height - 73 - 75 cm, weight - 9, 9 - 10, 5 kg. The child knows the names of many objects and parts of the body, he has the accuracy of finger movements.

Twelve months: height - 74 - 76 cm, weight - 10, 2 - 10, 8 kg. The child can pronounce about 10 words.

Each child is individual and his physical development is not always the same with the standard calendar norms. But the lack of any skills, or deviations in the growth of the child - the reason for consultation with a specialist.
