The decision of the school administration to make sure to wear a uniform saves parents from many problems. No need to rack your brains about how beautiful and comfortable it is to dress your child. But if a student's uniform is not provided at the school that the child attends, approach the choice of clothes responsibly.

Step 1
Choose clothes made from natural materials. After all, the child will be in it for several hours every day. For manufacturers who use only high-quality raw materials, clothes do not fade, fade or stretch. Body is free
breathes. In addition, allergies are extremely rare to cotton and wool clothes.
Step 2
Buy multiple sets of clothing at once. Boys must have at least two trousers, while girls must have a skirt and trousers. It is unhygienic to wear the same clothes for several days in a row, and it is not always possible to wash every day.
Step 3
Turn on your imagination. It is best to take the kits in such a way that they can be combined. The vest is very successful in this regard. Under it in the cold season, you can wear a warm sweater, and in the heat - a light shirt with short sleeves. If you purchase two suits of roughly the same color, for example, blue and plaid in blue and light blue, you can pair the blue trousers with a plaid jacket. The student will no longer have two suits, but three. After all, everyone will get tired of wearing the same thing every day, and a junior school student is no exception.
Step 4
Choose clothes that are classic. But it is not at all necessary to dress the child exclusively in a black formal suit. Classic clothing has a wide variety of options. For a girl, you can buy a sundress instead of a skirt with a vest. The skirt can be either narrow or very fluffy or with interesting patch pockets. Boys can experiment with jacket and vest styles.
Step 5
Buy clothes for school with your child. Be sure to try on. Let the child walk, sit down, raise his hands. He should feel comfortable in the chosen clothes in any position. Buy only the kit that the student likes. Children, like adults, feel better when they feel they are dressed nicely and stylishly. And in a good mood, and study is easier.