Thinking Games

Thinking Games
Thinking Games

It is known that the development of human mental processes most intensively occurs in childhood. Although this does not mean at all that in adulthood the brain is not able to perceive and analyze information. Reading books, traveling, absorbing information from different sources, a person of any age develops logical thinking, broadens his horizons, that is, develops his brain.

Thinking games
Thinking games

An adult is free to choose what, where and when to see, hear, learn. What a child will discover new directly depends on the behavior of the parents.

From infancy, the baby needs not only feeding and taking care of his comfort, he needs much more for full and comprehensive development. How do you need to behave in order to raise a smart, quick-witted kid? The answer to this question is very simple - you just need to play with the child. Yes, yes it is to play. Let the uncomplicated "Ku-ku" be the first game. From the point of view of psychology, this game actively socializes the child: you set him a task (to find you), and he analyzes the world around him, performing it.

Speech development

The development of logical thinking is closely related to speech. Therefore, communication is extremely important for the baby, just talk to him, let's touch new objects, it doesn't matter if the little one tastes them. Taste receptors are also a kind of information perception organs.

Develop fine motor skills, touch buttons with the baby, make mosaics, arrange puppet shows from finger toys.

Development of logic

Solving riddles is distinguished among the simplest games for the development of logical thinking. Here, both traditional ones taken from books and those invented by caring adults will be equally useful. Knowing firmly what your child is interested in, what he recently read or just saw, you can easily come up with a riddle. For example, "the little gray one is afraid of the cat." The kid will quickly guess that it is a mouse. You can complicate a little: "the culprit of the tears of the grandmother and grandfather in the fairy tale about the golden egg."

Development of fantasy

You can fantasize in the game "Yes or no". Just ask your child questions that can be answered with either yes or no. Ask him about already known things. Is there a rainbow in winter? Does it snow in the summer? You can also ask a situational question, here the kid can speculate. For example, “Slava and his mother went to kindergarten very early, and Kolya and his sister later, they live in the same entrance. Can children come to the garden at the same time? " It would be appropriate to ask one more question: "Why?"

Board games like "Universam", "Who lives where", "What grows where", "Researcher", "What is made of what" are very useful for the development of thinking. In general, there is a huge amount of this kind of games both on the shelves of children's stores and in the imaginations of caring parents.

Games aimed at developing logical thinking will teach the child to think independently, concentrate his attention, draw conclusions, build inferences, and build consistent logical chains. A child's brain prepared in this way can easily cope with the stress at school. And surely a son or daughter will please caring parents with high marks.
