The homeland of Romeo and Juliet is the perfect place for a romantic acquaintance. And men are considered the main treasure of Italy. Passionate, beautiful and gallant, they have gained fame as fatal seducers. Loving them is difficult and exciting.

Step 1
Italian men are natural seducers. They are courteous and temperamental, distinguished by an innate sense of humor, vitality and intelligence. Italians are well-read, appreciate the cultural heritage of their country, know and love classical literature (in particular poetry) and often demonstrate this to their chosen ones. Try to match your beloved in reading and education.
Step 2
Italians get married late, so it’s in the order of things for them to live with their parents until the age of forty and listen to the opinions and advice of their mothers. In Italy, there is a kind of mother cult, and psychologists have even come up with a special term for such a phenomenon - "mamism". Therefore, you will have to accept that the last word in any situation will remain with the mother of your chosen one. He is unlikely to dare to go against her will. Try to maintain good relations with her too.
Step 3
Having decided to connect your life with an Italian, you will have to adapt to his emotionality, which can destroy the relationship. There is an opinion that living with an Italian man is like being on a powder keg. A quarrel can break out at the slightest provocation. But how quickly it starts, it will also end quickly. Please note: southerners are more temperamental than residents of northern Italy.
Step 4
If you fall in love with an Italian, be patient. He is unlikely to quickly offer you a hand and a heart. An Italian man will provide for his chosen one, give gifts, but he will not immediately marry. Divorce in Italy lasts about three years, and according to the law, the Italian will have to pay alimony not only to children, but also to his ex-wife until she remarries. Therefore, Italian men prefer to think a hundred times before getting married.
Step 5
The Russian proverb - the way to a man's heart lies through his stomach - characterizes Italians, who are great gourmets, in the best possible way. They not only love good cuisine, but, as a rule, they themselves know how to cook beautifully. They are usually taught this from childhood. To love an Italian man, one must become an excellent cook and an excellent hostess.