Over time, any sex can get bored, so if you have been married for more than a year, then it's time to think about the variety in sex! You can experiment in different ways: someone is looking for new places for sex, while someone just needs to change their position!

For the pose "Italian candelabra" requires appropriate physical training. So it will be difficult for beginners to enjoy it so quickly. But when having sex in this position, a lot of calories are lost. Just remember that this position is also traumatic! Yes, yes, sex in interesting positions can bring more than just pleasure. For example, in men in this position, the penis may suffer, in the case of a lady - arms and back.
So, there are several options for this pose. Here is one of them: the girl should have her back to the guy, standing on the "bridge". Fix the pose, after which the partner can penetrate the girl. Well, then it is already a familiar process … only now both partners must keep balance!
The next version of the pose will be difficult for men. This requires serious physical training. So, the man stands on the floor, spreads his legs wide. Then he takes his partner in his arms, sits on his hips, penetrating inside. Then the partner throws his legs onto the guy's shoulders, and then the process itself … Much depends on the man, because if he cannot withstand the load, then the sexual partners will simply collapse on the floor, and here it will be difficult to do without injuries.
Of course, the pose "Italian candelabra" can be eased with a blanket or a belt, which must be tied on top - the girl will sit on it. Or you don't have to suffer at all, go to a sex shop - buy a special swing there, with which you can try not only this pose, but many others as well! Just don't forget to insure yourself - put something soft at the bottom. And you should not have sex in this position in complete darkness - at least by candlelight.
If you are not yet confident in your abilities, then it is better not to risk it - there are so many different positions for sex!