Each name reflects a part of the history of the people, life, beliefs of any era are transmitted. Many Russian names are associated with the campaigns of the ancient Slavs, while others are borrowed from the Scandinavians, Greeks or Jews and are altered under the Russian speech. Still others appeared during the revolution and glorify the heroes of that time.

Step 1
The name Vadim is interpreted from Old Russian as “accuse, slander” or “prove”. The owners of this name are distinguished by a tenacious mind and persistent character. These people are active and mobile, hardworking, and often occupy leadership positions. The man named Vadim is distinguished by his amorousness and frivolity in his bachelor years, however, after marriage he becomes an exemplary family man.
Step 2
Each Russian dichotomous name, which contains "Glory", has its own meaning. The name Svyatoslav means "bright glory", they were named boys in those families who brought happiness and good luck to the village. A child named by this name is distinguished by emotionality and cognition, he is inquisitive in all spheres of life. To achieve the set goals, the owner of this name is hampered by excessive irascibility and selfishness.
Step 3
The Slavic name Yaroslav carries with it "bright glory". Men named by this name show individuality and ambition. The ability to be affectionate and delicate will always manifest in Yaroslav, he is often romantic in nature and is able to love only one woman.
Step 4
Mstislav in ancient times was called "the glorious avenger." A boy with such a name is proud and arrogant, brings a lot of trouble to his parents during upbringing. Thanks to his excellent memory, imagination and fortitude, he often manipulates people. In love affairs, Mstislav is distinguished by devotion and constancy.
Step 5
The name Rostislav means "growing glory". Boys with this name stand out among their peers with touchiness, and in preschool age - tearfulness. Named Rostislav often feels guilty in quarrels with his participation, does not like to scandalize, and in large cases withdraws into himself.
Step 6
Formed in honor of the October Revolution of 1917, the name Oktyabrin endows its owner with fortitude and balanced emotions. It is always pleasant and easy to communicate with such a person, he knows a lot and is not arrogant.
Step 7
Another post-revolutionary name is Vladlen. It was formed from the abbreviation Vladimir Lenin. It is noticed that the owners of such a name are distinguished by determination and activity. Purposeful individuals are owned, but they achieve the coveted with the help of diplomacy, and not hand-to-hand combat.
Step 8
The Russianized names include the Scandinavian Igor. The people named by this name tend to calculate everything in advance, perform important actions only after careful thought. It is noted that the named Igor loves coziness and comfort in the house, therefore he is ready for new exploits and deeds in order to make a "full bowl" out of the house.
Step 9
The Russian name Ivan comes from the Hebrew John, which translates as "God's grace." This name is associated with the simplicity and breadth of the soul of the Russian person. Men named by this name are often the soul of the company, they are very sociable and polite. Family is the main thing in Ivan's life, he is a good owner, an exemplary husband, a caring father.