Why are men attracted by a magnet to some women, and repelled by others? For what reason are some ladies kept faithful all their lives, cherished and cherished, and turned away from someone after a week of relationship? There are certain traits that men seek and value in girls.

Self love
First of all, a girl should treat herself with care and awe, accept and harmoniously reveal each of her facets (wife, mother, friend, professional, etc.). A woman who loves herself will always find time and opportunity to relax, eat well, do what she loves. This allows her to always be well-groomed and in a good mood.

A woman who takes care of herself is not afraid to spend money on her needs and desires. She happily allows a man to express his feelings with gifts. It is love for oneself that makes it possible to spend one's "resource" on close and dear people. Without strength, health and mood, it is impossible to give warmth to the world around you.
Sometimes women mistakenly believe that men need their undivided, 24/7 attention anytime, anywhere. But, as a rule, their companions quickly get tired of such a life. And in the worst cases, the young man begins to take advantage of the situation and manipulate the chosen one. The whole life of a girl is locked on a man, she becomes dependent on her lover (emotionally and financially). To prevent this from happening, you must always remember your hobbies and friends, devote enough time to them. It is desirable to have your own source of income and a "safety cushion". Men are afraid of losing an independent woman and they themselves seek to interest, keep her.
Confidence should not be confused with overconfidence. The latter quality often speaks of just low self-esteem and complexes. Men are afraid of overly "lively" women, considering them to be rivals. Confidence never screams about itself, but is always felt by others. Such girls almost in any place and environment feel free, do not hesitate to accept compliments and thank for them. A confident woman always behaves with dignity, without requiring the attention of a young man. But at the same time, she is not afraid of men, for no reason does she not push them away. Confidence manifests itself in the absence of groundless and constant jealousy of other girls.
Of course, this does not mean the number of diplomas and medals, but the girl's wisdom and ability to find the best way out in various situations. An intelligent woman does not seek to show a man her intellectual superiority, but can always achieve what she wants without hysterics and manipulation. A wise girl will not speak ill of her companion in the presence of strangers. She will be able to tactfully tell about all the discontent in private.

During quarrels, such women are not led by emotions, they do not respond to provocations and do not stoop to insults. In difficult situations, an intelligent woman will be able to find the right words of support and instill hope in her lover.
Ability to organize a reliable "rear"
In the harsh male world, representatives of the strong half of humanity require constant control, strength, attentiveness, initiative. Next to a soft and gentle woman, her chosen one wants to relax and regain his strength for new exploits. Every knight of the house wants to be deliciously fed, listened to and reassured of his incredible abilities. A single man's apartment is always easy to distinguish from a family nest. To a woman who can organize such a space at home, I want to return every day and conquer more and more peaks for her sake.
No fear of appearing weak
Don't be afraid to ask your loved one for help. Firstly, men cannot read minds and often do not even know about our desires and emotions, which leads to unexpected conflicts. Secondly, for them, the request of their beloved is an excellent reason to show their resourcefulness and strength, having received a reward in the form of admiration and gratitude from the lady of the heart.

Give your companion a chance to court you and feel like a real man. And requests and delegation of some responsibilities will help a woman save time and energy for more important things, including for her beloved.
Striving for self-improvement
Men are drawn to interesting women who crave new knowledge and experiences. Such girls will always strive to become erudite, live in a better place, and improve their qualifications. They will not be content with little. Next to such a companion, men forget about boredom. Young people feel their exclusivity, begin to change their lives and develop. They develop a taste for life and self-confidence. And interest in an active and cheerful lover does not fade away even after years.
Love yourself, develop, fill your life with joy and new sensations. When you like yourself, then worthy and interested men will increasingly appear next to you.