All people getting married hope and believe that they will have a strong, close-knit family. Alas, this is not always the case. Relentless statistics show that almost every second marriage falls apart. There can be many reasons for this. But now the conversation is not about that. How to behave if it has already come to a divorce? How to prevent this sad, painful event from turning two people who once loved each other into mortal enemies?

Step 1
First, you need to clearly and clearly understand: divorce is a very unpleasant, even painful, thing, but not the end of the world. Life goes on.
Step 2
Secondly, we must remember: civilized, self-respecting people, even in a difficult situation, act with dignity. It is understandable and natural to try to shift all the blame onto "this scoundrel" or "this bastard." After all, you are tormented by resentment, wounded pride, mental pain. Moreover, often parents, friends and girlfriends urge: "You did so much for her, and she!", "You donated so much for him, and he!" Overcome this temptation. Find the strength to part with dignity, without indecent scenes and squabbles. Believe me, you will be better off!
Step 3
Former husband and wife, who throw mud at each other, and then go to court for months, years over property, evoke neither respect nor sympathy. At best, disgusting pity. Do you really want to be treated like that?
Step 4
And most importantly, if you have small children, then your divorce was already a terrible shock for them. The world, so familiar and comfortable, collapsed overnight. If dad and mom are the two closest people, in the language of instinct - "absolute protection", not only parted, but also hated the arcs of a friend! Think about what your little ones are experiencing right now. They already feel bad, do not make them suffer even more.
Step 5
Therefore, since you have firmly decided that living together is impossible and meaningless, part with a human being. Let you no longer share shelter and bed, this is not a reason to see each other as an enemy. Calmly, without shouting or reproaching, try to solve all pressing issues: how to divide property, who and when will spend time with the children. And - decide for yourself, without involving "support groups" in the person of relatives and friends.
Step 6
And again: resist the temptation to turn children into an instrument of revenge! Only make it worse for yourself. When they grow up, they will not forgive you for this.