The very definition of the phrase "painless parting" cannot exist for a relationship that once developed tenderly and tenderly, even if it was a very long time ago, and behind a whole mountain of mutual grievances and insults, little good is remembered. Time will pass and the bad will be forgotten (this is how human memory works - time heals). Good memories, common interests will begin to emerge … And therefore, in the name of all the good that was in the relationship, it is worth parting peacefully, without hatred and curses.

Step 1
It is best to divide everything equally, no matter how much you want it, no matter how sorry you are for furniture, household appliances and even … children. It is clear that a real man leaves everything to his wife and children, leaves with only one suitcase of personal belongings. But he is also a person who has physical and spiritual needs, which, if not satisfied, can lead to illness. Moreover, if we talk about material values, then they are all profitable, today they are not - they will appear in a day, a month, a year, because life is changeable.
Step 2
The most difficult thing is to share the most valuable thing - children. But the more honestly they are divided, the more painless the separation of their parents will be for them. It would be nice to explain to them (at their level) that mom and dad can no longer live together, that the child will definitely have the opportunity to meet, or even live, now with mom, then with dad. And you do not need to prove your case (both mother and father have the same legal rights to a child, with the exception of some special cases), hiding behind children, because this will bring nothing but hatred of both parents and the development of an inferiority complex.
Step 3
And most importantly, in any situation you need to remain civilized people. Talk calmly, and if one of the parties cannot hold back their emotions, then give her time to get sick, and later return to the negotiating table. Finally, to part, if not friends, but at least familiar people who are connected by many intimate, kind, family secrets.